
I get aches in both my wrists?

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I get aches in my right and left wrist, and sometimes up and down my leg, someone said it might be arethristis or rumatisim (i don't know if i spelt it right) what do you think it could be? They're really horrible aches

Thans =]




  1. Do you type a lot?

    I get bad wrist pains from being on my laptop a lot :P

    I also get leg pains because of the way I sit, etc. It sounds like it could just be normal aches and pains to me, but you still should just check with your doctor on your next doctor's visit.

  2. I'm not sure how carpel tunnel is caused but I know you can have a surgery to fix it if you do have it. My dad had it done and although it's gruesome it works. They go in through your wrist and do something to the artery that the blood flow is poor in. I think I may actually have it as well because I get a pain up my right arm and sometimes it feels like my hand between my wrist and elbow is dead but with pins and needles, weird feeling. If your really worried check it out with a doctor, the worst they can say is theres nothing wrong which would be a relief right?

  3. Well I had the same thing with the wrists and it turned out to be Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.. Go to the doctor and see:)

    Hope you feel better!


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