
I get an intense dull pain usually in my left eye when I wear my contacts.?

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After I told my doctor about the problem he had me try different brands of contacts. When the problem didn't go away he prescribed a bigger base curve for me (9.0). That did not solve the problem. About 2 weeks ago I got the pain even without wearing my contacts. I went to an optamologist who prescribed eye drops for me (he claimed I had an eye infection). The pain went away in a matter fo 1 week, but as soon as put my contacts back in the pain returned. I went back to my optamoligist he told me he couldn't find anything wrong so he gave me more eye drops to use for one week. As soon as I started using the eye drops the pain came back with a vengence. I am so frustrated and can't understand why 2 doctors can't find the root of this problem. Has anyone experienced this before?




  1. I read a similar problem on here a few weeks ago.  The lenses were the wrong size, and the second doctor corrected it.  

    Maybe try a third one.

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