
I get anxious and panicked about getting a job?

by  |  earlier

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I've been unemployed for several months and it's gotten to me. I quit my job in November of last year, and since then i've had a string of temp jobs (though the last one ended in March). It's eaten up my confidence, made me pretty depressed, and now everytime I get anywhere near to finding work, I get extremely anxious and panicky. I've had the opportunity to undergo 2 long-term (full time) temp jobs, but at the last minute after having terrible anxiety, panic and going into what seemed to be a deeper depression, I called it off. Afterwards I felt immediately relieved.

This worries me a lot because I NEED a job. I have no other option. Plus I seem to have developed some kind of fear of driving, and keep having these thoughts about getting into car crashes...

I just don't know what I can cope with now. Not only that, but my moods tend to go up and down all the time. In the morning, I can feel incredibly depressed, then by the afternoon I would have settled down. I'll feel ok for a couple of days but then i'll go down again. I just don't know what to do about this. I've been to the doctor, but all he wanted to do was give me anti-depressants and I don't want to take those as i've heard of the bad side affects. I want to do councelling, but my doctor's surgery is so unhelpful that i'm not sure they'd put me forward for it. What should I do?




  1. Ask about the counseling and try the anti-depressants.  Most of their side effects are temporary and go away in a week or so.  Getting a job and getting on top of your depression and anxiety needs to be your top priority.  

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