
I get canker sores really really bad all the time and..?

by  |  earlier

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just this last week i got sick and had at least 15 including on my tonsils.

i had a fever, headaches, body ache.. about a year ago i got a vaginal canker sore. i was tested for everything but it was labeled just a canker sore. at that time i was a virgin and i didn't have s*x 'till 4 months ago. my partner and still bf had only had s*x with one other girl about 4 years ago and it was her first time as well. hes never shown any signs of an std and I've been tested and didn't have one. and i know he's completely honest about it. about a month ago i was tested again now that I'm sexually active and all was still clear...

but yesterday i noticed i got another vaginal canker. i freaked a little but then thought it was nothing being that i was so sick and cankers are contagious. i had been putting alum root on it like i do for my oral ones but today they turned black and i now had three. i stopped the alum and soaked in a salt water bath for about 30 minutes. about 30 minutes ago though i saw that the main one had almost tripled in size and a second had doubled. they hurt really bad, i can barely walk. its not painful to urinate but my vaginal area does ache. but i was just tested for both herpes and a few other stds but they were all negative. also, i didn't know if this could be relevant, but its my first month on the pill and i'm three days late for my four day period..

i'm really scared now and i need some of the best advice to be given. please.




  1. See a doctor, he/she will be more accurate than a message board.

  2. Canker sores are normal to be present in your mouth. Stress usually triggers them. I usually get about three or four the day before I'm supposed to get my period, so I think it could have something to do with hormones too. Have you eaten any spicy foods? They have been known to cause canker sores too.

    As for the ones on your v****a...

    What STD's were you specifically tested for? Because I know that when I got tested for "everyone", they were only going to test for HIV, Herpes, Chlamydia, Gonnherea, and HPV. I had to specifically ask for a test for Syphilis, because it's a dying STD. Syphilis causes canker sores at the spot of contact. So, if you've had oral s*x, then you can get them in your mouth. And, obviously you've had vaginal s*x, so it could be from that. But, if you find out that you do have Syphilis, it is easily curable early on (which you would be because canker sores are the first symptom of stage 1). One shot of antibiotics is all you need to get rid of the STD.

    If, by any chance you were tested for Syphilis and test results came back negative, retest. After your second retest and you are clean, then I would say that it is do to stress. Your body responds to stress in many different ways. I remember my senior year of high school, I had a huge presentation at my graduation and because of my nerves and stress, I broke out with a rash all down there. I was a virgin and never even kissed someone by that time, so it wasn't an STD. It was just how my  body responded to my stress. So relax. Take hot baths, maybe do some yoga (I heard its relaxing if you do it right, but it just pisses me off because I can't bend my legs the way I want to). lol If you get rid of most of the stress in your life, then they should go away. But, if not, then I would see a doctor and get their input. This seems like a terrible experience for you, but I hope that some of my advice will help! Good luck! :)

  3. Well Canker sores do not erupt on the v****a that might be something else. Canker Sores (aphthous ulcer) occurs in the mouth. To correct these, I would try rinsing with salt water..Though, I use a medicine called Ora5. I used to get canker sores all the time from biting my lip, cheek, tongue, or causing trauma to the mouth (like poking my gum or roof of my mouth with a corn chip)...painful and annoying, so I found this medicine, and it cleared them up. For the sores on your v****a, have you been tested for HPV too? Though it could also be some other bacterial infection that is causing painful sores in that area.

    I'm not a doctor, so I would talk to one....but for the aphthous ulcers...(canker sores) check out Ora5

    Good luck.

  4. Get some acidophilus capsules from a pharmacy or health food store.  Take one or two a day until the sores are gone.  Take a few a week and they will not come back.

    I found this remedy many years ago and have passed it along at every opportunity.  It has worked for everyone that I know of that has tried it.

    It is the active ingredient in yogurt and is natural and healthy and also aids with digestion.

  5. are you sure they arnt just blocked ducts....does it look like there is puss in them? ty reading this link  

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