
I get compensation from the VA because I can't hear and have tinnitus, am i considered a disabled veteran?

by Guest59996  |  earlier

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I get compensation from the VA because I can't hear and have tinnitus, am i considered a disabled veteran?




  1. Yes you are, thank you for your service and sacrifice.

  2. Yes, you can now join the Disabled American Veterans, get federal employment preference and make a lot of people feel sorry for you.

    Conservatives will consider you a hero, liberals will call you a victim but to both groups you are entitled - and that's all that matters.

    Thank you for your service.

  3. Doodles is right, if you are getting a VA check, you are a disabled veteran.

  4. yes you are since the va is giving you compensation your medical problem is service connected.   your va card should say service connected right under your name.     mr  doodles

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