
I get dizzy after I read...?

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after I read and I get up like stand or walk I get dizzy, I would sometimes read a book for an 1hour and would get dizzy what's happening!!! Am I too weak or something because the teacher makes us run every school day in the morning




  1. It is maybe because you're body may think it is still in motion while you're reading which can cause anybody to get dizzy because reading and moving just naturally gets the brain confused.

  2. I thnk this is something completely solvable. reading glasses. my friend draws a lot and dscovered that afterwords things would be blurry.

    you probably don't even realize it but (and this is only f you need glasses) that when you read you are squinting. that is going to strain your nerves and cause you to get dizzy. have an eye exam done and see. but I bet thats all it is

  3. It is not clear if you are doing the reading at home or at school when the dizziness occurs.  If you like to curl up with a book on the couch, you may be partially cutting off the circulation to your lower legs. When you stand there is a rush of blood to the lower legs which results in a temporary lack of blood to the brain and light-headedness or dizziness.  If this describes your situation.  You need to make a point of standing and stretching, or at least stretching out your legs,  about every 20 minutes.

    If this occurs very regularly you should also consider see a doctor.  There could also be a possibility of anemia.

    I am an RN.

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