
I get dizzy when i stand up sometimes what is happening?

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The thing is its after a big meal, or a snack so hunnger isnt doing it. Sometimes i will flat out faint for a couple seconds.




  1. It's pretty normal alot of people get it.

    It's because you get up too fast and it shakes your brain i think ;p

  2. maybe there is something wrong with the way blood flows to your brain. i get it sometimes when i get up out of bed too fast right after i wake up =[ go to the doctors it can only help

  3. When you stand up, it can cause you're blood pressure to drop, making you feel dizzy.

  4. you might be standing up to quick. if it  happens agin contact your doctor and see if it might be something worse.

  5. Usually this happens when you stand up after sitting or laying down for a long time; blood rushes out of your brain for a brief moment because your heart needs to pump harder when you are standing. This causes the dizziness, or in extreme cases, fainting.  

  6. Actually, your blood pressure is most likely to be low.  If you are young, otherwise healthy, probably thin and probably have a low blodd pressure normally.  If you stand up too fast, blood rushes to your lower body, away from the brain and you get dizzy.  Next time you go to the doctor for any reason, bring this up.

  7. it happens to me all the time and you just get up to fast.

    your all relaxed then all of a sudden a dramatic energy burst jostles threw you

  8. go to the doctor,and have them check your sugar,and tell them what going on.also check your iron level,most local clinics do not charge to check it.  

  9. If you are already on any prescription meds, some can cause this or if you're not see a doctor about it.  If you are actually blacking out (fainting) this could be dangerous, like while driving.  

  10. This is dehydration, I have had this problem. It is defiantly something you can fix. with water, or sports drinks including electrolytes.

  11. You should see a Dr. sounds like your blood pressure is high.

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