
I get e mail from yahoo it told that in win80000000S from central bank of nigaria is it right?

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I get e mail from yahoo it told that in win80000000S from central bank of nigaria is it right?




  1. The message is not FROM Yahoo. And it is an old scam. Forget it, report it, but do not believe it.

  2. Do not believe it.  It's a scam.

  3. Look out. Don't open this mail. It has Fraud written all over it. Do you think that Yahoo would award you any money especially in the 80000000S $$amount, without alerting it's members of a contest or posting an announcement?  I had a friend who fell for one of many scams. He ended up losing a great deal. Trying to get his money back almost sent him on the verge of suicide. He no longer lives here as they took his identity.  Note: There are a lot of unsuspecting scams being run of out Nigeria. They solicit you via the things you are wanting to have, like money. Then they get you to reveal your bank account information, your drivers license and then, they've got you sending funds into another secured account. Then when you decide to access the funds your account will indicate zero funds and you are out of the original amount you deposited into your account. Be careful. We are so innocent and they are geniuses at deceiving us.

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