
I get free kleenex. I utilize it. I use it for toilet paper.Will this hurt the septic tank??

by  |  earlier

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I rent a house.




  1. Yes, use only septic acceptable tissue and do not flush female products or diapers.

  2. Yes. Toilet paper is made to break down rapidly for digestion in your septic system. Kleenex tissue is made to stand up to moisture without breaking down. You may wind up with a big bill because you didn't use the proper tissue. The guy who has to clean the clog will know the difference.

  3. i doubt if it will hurt your septic , unless its the anti bacterial kind .but it sure can cause a clog . As the fellow said before me , This product is made to stand up  to water and could potentialy cause a clog in your sewer pipe , but it will break down just not  as rapidly as toilet paper .

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