
I get headaches a lot.... help!?

by Guest58845  |  earlier

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Yep, sure do. I don't know if it's because of the heat or what but I always get them.

And I try taking Tylenol and all that c**p, and it never works. And I'm allergic to one of those medicines.





  1. Are you drinking plenty of water?  

    The effects of even mild dehydration include decreased coordination, fatigue, dry skin, decreased urine output, dry mucous membranes in the mouth and nose, blood pressure changes and impairment of judgment. Stress, ***headache***, back pain, allergies, asthma, high blood pressure and many degenerative health problems are the result of UCD (Unintentional Chronic Dehydration).

    To prevent heat exhaustion, drink plenty of water even if you don't feel thirsty because your cells will become dehydrated before your mouth gets dry.

    Also, be sure to assess your diet. Food additives such as artificial sweeteners and MSG often cause headaches.

    A cold pack applied to the affected area sometimes helps.

    Be careful taking too many medications as they can cause liver damage.

  2. why not try drinking lots of water, because u may just be dehydrated .

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