
I get in trouble for laughing....

by  |  earlier

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And I mean at times its okay to laugh like while watching a comedy or whatever.

like today for example I was watching this really funny movie and I started laughing and then my dad yelled at me and told me not to laugh because life is serious and there's no time for fun because I need to work toward my future and think of my future careers

I don't think its fair cuz I'mm turning 13 aug 30th

I still have some time to think of my future

plus I decided I want to become a singer as soon as possible and my dad told me its impossible for me to become a singer because you can only be famous if your pretty and sleep with people

he told me to just work at mcDonald's when I'm a vegetarian >.<

how many people think this is unfair?!?!




  1. ohh man dnt listen too yur dad follow yur dream later if yu do become famous hes gonna be upp ur a s s asking for money girl laghn all yu want b.c lifes way too short too be serious yur dads childhood must of sucked follow yur dreams no chase them till yu achevie them &amp; dnt listen too yur father have fun yur only a kid once &amp; laghn hard till u cry he has no clue wat hes tlking bout

  2. hahahahaha  laugh it up baby!!!  Laugh and sing and enjoy life, that&#039;s what you&#039;re here for!!  Dad sounds like a stick in the mud!!!

  3. Girl im 13 right now and i get in trouble for breathing look dont swet it talk 2 ur dad like i did and if it doesnt help then run away (no im just kidding ) then tell him to give you a better answer to y u cant laugh and if it is not good enough then keep &#039;&#039;lol ing&#039;&#039;

    AND IT IS SSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOO UNFAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

  4. I think your dad may have anxiety, stress, depression. Loud noises, anything annoying (not to be rude) really grates on the nerves of someone dealing with these issues...

    He is pretty much right about a lot of singers (pop anyway).

    You can&#039;t work at McDonald&#039;s yet since you&#039;re too young, but if he needs you to help with bills and such, you could babysit.

  5. What  an awful dad.  His self centered.  you laugh cause that shows happiness.  He must not be happy.  You have plenty of time to think about your future.  If yo  sing good go for it.  Don&#039;t give up cause of him.  And when you make it bad remind him of that.    It is totally unfair of your dad to have this attitude.

  6. Sorry but wtf is up your dad&#039;s butt?!  Laugh it up, girl!  And do not, under any circumstances, let him or anyone crush your dreams!  If you want to be a singer, go for it!  What he says is NOT true, there are plenty of wholesome female vocalists who became famous simply by putting in the tremendous effort and being in the right place at the right time.

  7. dude, your dad is kind of mean.

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