
I get johan and billingsley and give felix hernandez and beket is that a good deal

by  |  earlier

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i also have webb haren lincecum sabathia and danks




  1. Good deal. Now you are loaded with pitchers you have excellent K:BB ratios. Good luck making a run for the championship.

  2. I would definitely make this trade.

    Santana should be good down the stretch as he has been in the last few weeks.  Billingsley has been pitching great and will be big in the Dodgers' playoff run (I say Manny leads them to the NLCS).

    Beckett is struggling and Hernandez is pitching good but he won't get many wins because Seattle is horrible this year.  Although I think Beckett will turn it around, I would make this trade.

    You're pitching staff will be awesome with Webb, Haren, Sabathia, Lincecum, Santana, and Billingsley

  3. I think you win that trade hands down. Johan is the best player in the deal, and Billingsley is arguably 2nd best. Between Felix, Beckett, and Billingsley, any of them could have the best numbers over the last two months of the season, but Billingsley has been the best lately.

    That being said, I have to believe one of two things here: Either your in an unbelievably shallow league where everyone else is not very good, Or you have a great pitching staff at the expense of not having a great offense. I gotta believe its the latter. I don't know anyone that has Hernandez, Beckett, Webb, Haren, Lincecum, and Sabathia on the same team. But I'm assuming that if I did know someone that had that team they would have already traded one or two of those guys for top-tier hitters.

    I would do that either after makin this trade, or instaed of making this trade. Either way is fine, really.

  4. Yes, that is a great deal for you, do it and good luck!

  5. h**l yeah. johan is a 2nd half pitchers. his numbers are crazy good so far except he hasn gotten any luck or support really. same with chad he is one of the hottest pitchers right now. he got a CG shoutout last week and seems to strike alot of people out. felix is on seattle, he wont win more than 12 or 13 games and he doesnt get any run support on that crappy team. beckett should be having a good yr. but he is still giving up to many HR's and he is inconsistent, he will pitch very good one game and the next he will get killed. take the hotter guys now. cc and webb are aces and haren is one of the top pitchers in fantasy right now. oh and danks aint bad either. anyway u see it, this is a good deal. hope this helps u make a good decision, good luck.

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