
I get many bogus e-mails from Nigeria and others requesting my personal info. How can I make them stop?

by  |  earlier

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I mark as spam. I have been receiving them for 3 years. I am worried about identity theft. They are often related to some lotto I have never heard of or transferring money to an account. I am also confused as to where they obtained my e-mail address in the first place.




  1. close that email account and start a new one I have 4 Yahoo accounts and the last two i opened I don't get any of that stuff just in the 2 old accounts.

  2. i think .. there is no solution ...

    only thing you can do is .. just to select and delete that mail !!!!

    because when you block mail .. only that particular email address gets blocked ... and hence you can receive email from other emails ... if you are more concerned about it ..then you can buy services that yahoo or msn provide for their email accounts ...

    but i suggest ... just select and delete ... nothing else ...

  3. Take a plane to Nigeria, find out where they live and take them out to a bar. Get drunk with them, sing happy songs and buy a prostitute for each spammer. They will feel happy and grateful and never bother you again.  

  4. The answer depends on what email client you use. if its the popular hotmail, gmail, yahoo...then your solution is simple.

    If its your own mail client, say a company server or so, then you need to find a solution provider. this company will install a spam tracker on the server, the data base of the spmamers is updated and shared regularly, thus unwanted e mails are blocked.

    Some advanced solutions send back a mail to the sender saying pls identify that you are not a machine sending e mail, by clicking a link. machines always fail to do that.

    In case of hotmail,yahoo etc. go to options and use highest security level for spam, and your work is DONE.

    donot give your email ID on any online surveys or unknown sites etc.

    have an alternate account for such activities.After all  its your e mail ID, you have to protect it.

  5. Either get a new email address, or get a new email address and use it as your sacrafice email to sign up to websites etc.


    you have to train your emails spam filter who to not accept emails from also if there are common words that appear in the spam emails you can choose to have a word filter , filter those ones too. So when you get spam make sure you mark it as spam.

    another solution is to white list people you get emails from and then everything else will be blocked

    really its up to you

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    If you use yahoo, and get a lot of spam there is an auto delete option, i believe.... But i prefer google  :)

    Just trying to help on yahoo..

  7. block it from sending

    or change the settings (depend on what email you're using.. msn.. aim)

    to prevent them from being sent and only mail from friends can be allowed

  8. You cant really do much about it except try to put the adress's on your spam list. They will keep trying no matter what. Make sure you don't send them any info or even reply. If you reply they know your email is good so they will keep sending you more. They have programs that generate emails and send them out by the millions. If they get 1 in a million people to reply and give them info there happy and they got another un smart person to fall for there tricks.

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