
I get married in 3 days and everyone is up my butt! Advice and how to get them to leave me the h**l alone?

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My wedding is in 3 days and everyone and there is mother is calling me and asking if " I am excited" Are you ready etc etc....It's getting annoying and I am getting pissed..How do I get them off my back.




  1. Stop answering your phone!!  That's what caller ID is for, so you can avoid calls that are annoying and still pick up any important wedding-related calls.

    Or, pick up and say, "Yes, I'm excited but very busy.  There's so much to do.  Thanks for thinking of me, I'll see you at the wedding."

  2. "I get married in 3 days and everyone is up my butt!" wow, thats unhealthy

  3. Just don't answer your phone. Or just politely say, "Yeah - I'm excited, but I have so much to do so I have to run! See you at the wedding."

    People are just naturally going to ask you those questions. It's normal..not a whole lot you can do to stop people; but you can try to just avoid the phone, etc.

    Good luck! And congrats on the wedding. Enjoy every minute of it.  

  4. Congratulations on getting married.  You are stressed out with everything that is going on.  Just be polite and tell them a simple "yes."  You don't have to go into detail.  Just be firm about your reply.  Soon enough, you'll be asked "When are you having kids?!"  Don't isn't up to them to have your kids.  You'll know when you and your spouse want them.  This is assuming you don't have kids already.

  5. I think that you should be glad and grateful that you have so many people that care about you.

  6. You need to go AWOL for at least a few hours.  Leave the house, and leave your cell phone there.  Don't tell a soul where you're going.  Call in sick at work, take a hike, go to a spa, go antiquing in some other town where nobody knows you, go to a couple of movies by yourself.  Whatever.  Just get away from everyone and if you live with your fiance, just leave him a note saying, "I needed some quiet time!  Will be back by 9pm."  It's the best thing you can do for yourself right now.

  7. Call your fiance tonight and elope in the middle of the night--get married on your honeymoon and hopefully, your cell phones will be off the hook.

  8. when anyone calls you, assign them a task. they'll stop calling. if they don't, you'll get some of the stuff stressing you done without doing it yourself.  

  9. Next time your mom calls, just say that she's making you stressed and you'd appreciate it if she's just act normal and stay calm. Let her know this gently, telling her you love her and you know she's just really excited but you have a ton of things on your maid and she's not helping by calling 24/7. Good luck and congrats!!

  10. Sweetie, you need a chill pill.

    People aren't trying to pester you.  They are happy for you.  Cut them some slack.

    And, to save your own sanity, put a message on your voice mail or answering machine saying, "Thanks for calling.  I'm very excited about the upcoming wedding and have a million things to do.  Please leave you message."

    Listen to the messages, or fast forward through them, a couple times a day.  If someome needs to be replied to, you can do so.

  11. You're the bride and its not going to be over until you and your new hubby leave the reception. They'll be all over you, it's one of those things that just happens when you get married. Just wait til you have a baby, you're going to wish u didnt know anyone!

    The advice I can give: Just be polite and keep telling yourself that its your day and you're not going to let anyone stress you out.

  12. cut the phone off

    and dont answer the door

  13. Don't answer the phone!

    Indulge yourself. Take a long bath or go get a pedicure. try not to think about the 4 million things that you need to do, and take an hour out and relax. it was the best thing that I did!

    Good luck and congratulations

  14. Put your phone off the hook. There are some phones with a "Do not disturb" button. You push it and people can all leave a message and you never hear a thing. That's mostly for mothers with a baby taking a nap.

  15. Chill!!  People are just trying to be nice!  It's human nature.

    Just don't answer the phone....or screen your calls if you have caller id.

    Good luck to you!  Take a breath.

  16. Wow, thanks for the visual.

    Hmm, let's evaluate this. Do you think they're doing it to make you mad? Or, perhaps ... this is a novel idea ... because they're excited about your wedding? Because it's one of the happiest and most important days of your life?

    Come on, now. Relax and enjoy it while it lasts. This is one of the few times in your life that people will really care about your feelings and your excitement. If you didn't want people involved, you should have eloped.

  17. Change your voicemail message to say something like "Sorry I missed your call, I'm really busy getting ready for the wedding! Leave a message and I'll do my best to call you back as soon as I can" Then, just don't answer your phone and let that speak for you :)  

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