
I get migraines almost every day. How can I get rid of them?

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I went to multiple doctors and tried everything out there. And they all say they dont know what else to do for me. So I need to try something else I guess that doesnt involve doctors. Any help?




  1. eat healthier stay away from junk food....get a massage!!!

  2. Here are a couple of testimonials for Transfer Factor products.

    I have suffered from migraines for many years and I have

    been told by the number one specialist in migraine study that

    I was a migraine type person and would likely suffer from

    them all my life.

    He told me that I could try to find out what caused them and

    then avoid it and I did until it came to the point that I was not

    eating for fear of causing a migraine.

    Eventually I came to find out that the two main triggers I have

    are stress and environmental factors. For example when I am

    near someone with a particular perfume I will immediately go

    into migraine state. When my stress levels are high I get a


    These migraines last for 4 or 5 days and I’m usually in a dark

    room without noise or light or any external smell. Then for

    days after I have the hangover effects from this headache.

    I have tried everything including eating ylenol 3’s like candies,

    over a 100 a month and getting 34 shots of medicine to

    freeze my head and those trigger points known to cause


    This procedure nearly killed me so I gave up trying to find a

    cure and lived very cautiously trying to avoid a migraine at all

    costs. I tried the newest drugs on the market and the old but

    when I started having heart trouble from Imitrex I knew I had

    to quit.

    Someone suggested that I should take transfer factors for

    better recall for my poor memory and the fibromyalgia

    daytime formula.

    It was only about two weeks later when someone mentioned

    that I did not seem to be having difficulty with migraines, and I

    suddenly realized that I had not had a migraine throughout

    the whole sad experience with my dog.

    That was six months ago and I only have had 2 migraines

    since and both caused by strong perfume.

    This is unbelievable for me and for months I kept waiting for

    them to return but they haven’t.

    I rang the company who make the product and told them

    about my incredible result and they were not surprised. They

    said this was part of what the transfer factors for better recall

    does. It’s sure been a total miracle for me!

    Heather Bannon


    I used to get three-day migraines about twice a month and

    had over the years tried various supplements and diets - but

    nothing really worked and I generally resorted to pharmacy

    drugs and went about for those days in a cloud.

    I also had a hip that used to be so painfully stiff in the


    I started taking transfer factors along with choice pine bark

    antioxidant (pycnogenol).

    The big news is that my migraines have GONE and that my

    hip now has NO pain at all and is supple.

    I now have no migraines UNLESS I miss taking my transfer

    factors and choice pine bark antioxidant (pycnogenol) for a

    week or so. The moral of the story being don’t run out!

    Te Ara Bergstrom

  3. If you are deficient in magnesium you could take 200 mg of magnesium every day.

  4. Go to a chiropractor and make sure you have a 45 degree lateral curve, or lordosis in your neck. If you do not, this can put tremendous pressure on you upper cervical spine and cause migraines. I have had literally 150+ patients with migraines that were being drugged out of existence respond to chiropractic biophysics! look it up!! good luck

  5. I do not know what they tried. I will tell you that a really good Doctor will not give up until your problem is solved. Also I do not know what tests that they tried. Assuming that you do not have a serious organic problem there are several drugs that may help. Talwin, sorry I may have gotten the spelling wrong. Asprin and Codine or a combination of Codine and Tylanol may well give you some relief.  Good Luck  Bob

  6. you can try eating healthier and exercising. and make sure to drink lots of water.. that helped my sister.

  7. Drinking lots of water helps tremendously. Rather than taking aspirin you can drink mint tea. This is a natural way to get rid of headaches.

  8. Believe it or not eat a banana or cucumber.  When I heard this from a Tibetan lama I thought he was nuts, but it works.  Eat one when you feel the onset of the headache coming.

  9. Acupuncture

  10. The pain of enduring migraines is tough to cope with. Try the hot and cold treatment.

  11. This Works REALLY well: take your right hand and put it on the bone that comes down the left side of your neck and place it on that bone right above your shoulder 2 inches towards your neck. then pinch the bone like your holding a coin with your thumb and index. squeeze it and hold it there for a little while. your migraine should go away but if you want it to stay away for a while, before you pinch the bone, put mint extract like for baking on your fingers and then pinch. also if youd rather take medication, heres a video. good luck and i hope this works for you like it did 4 me!!!


  13. Massage would be good.... you need to go to a massage therapist either in a private practice  or chiropractic office....


    it could also be steming from your colon.... make sure your not constipated.... if you are take fiber and see if that helps..

  14. acupuncture!!!

  15. Excedrin migraine and a 20oz bottle of Pepsi.....loads of caffeine sometimes help!

  16. Keep records. Have you kept a diet journal? Maybe you are eating the same thing that makes you sick all the time. Low nutrients like magnesium can also interfere. Are you dehydrated or hypoglycemic? Could it be a style of dress? Air temperature? Does it happen more at certain times of the week, month or year than others? The more detailed records you have the more likely you are to find the cause. By the way, I didn't pull these out of the air; all of the above are involved in my migraines in some way.

  17. I shared a similar problem. I do however find drinking large glasses of water to help. Most of my migraines are caused by dehydration, I was only drinking milk, juice etc, but since I've began drinking water daily (especually when I first wake up) my migraines don't occur as often. Try it out, it may help :)

  18. Eat Ice cream

  19. I suffer from the same thing.  I had doctor's tell me to lose weight, exercise, keep my blood pressure down.  I still don't know how to get rid of them.  Good luck.  I don't know how bad yours are.  I get mine in my eyes.  It's a sharp pain.  They say if you don't see any auras or wavy lines at the beginning of them then you don't have anything to worry about.  I still do.  I hate to see the day when I find out that there could be some tumor growing and the doctors never did anything about it.

  20. Did they do an allergy test? Have them run a blood test for food allergies (not the skin test). You'd be surprised to see some very common foods on there. If you stop eating them for a while, you can reduce your headaches and other things (like yeast infections).

  21. For treating symptoms:

    Feverfew will help the pain, ginkgo biloba aids circulation and can reduce sensitivity to light and sound, peppermint will help with the nausea.

    At the onset:

    Take lecithin (between 3 and 6 1,200 mg capsules ) at the first sign of a migraine- it lessens both length and severity of the headache.

    Inhale essential oil of lavender at the beginning of a migraine- this also can lessen pain and duration.

    To prevent occurrences:

    Avoid avocados, aged meats, chocolate, MSG, nitrites, canned fish, alcohol and dairy products.  And get regular Chiropractic adjustments, they really do help.

  22. take a tylonal or  see a doctor

  23. It could be numbers of things that you can do, but it really depends on what's going on around your lifestyle. If you have a lot of stress going on within your life, that can easily be the cause of your migraines. I tend to get them time to time, but yoga is a great and effective type of thing to do. It relaxes the body and the mind, I'm not sure if the doctors tried it yet but my mom needed to give herself shots for her migraines. I wonder if you've tried that.

  24. i'm no expert at all.. but drinking lots of water helps prevent/get rid of headaches for me.

  25. Doctors told you they couldnt do anything for you? Wow. I'd say marijuana. I have a friend who gets a migraine everyday, smokes some weed, then it goes away. True story.

  26. 1. cut out caffeine in all forms.

    2. reduce stress as much as possible.

    3. Excercize regularly

    These are ways to prevent a migrane.  It might help to see a neurologist as well to rule out a brain tumor. (if you haven't already)

  27. try a couple of appointments with a chiropractor. should be very helpful. not a lot of money.

  28. The preoblem with migraines is that different things work for different people. I suggest you keep a "Migraine Journal" and write everything that you can remember that happened before your migraine and the time that you got the migraine at. Then go back and try to figure out what triggers them and avoid those triggers and see if you can find some patterns in the time you get them.

    I have the same issues, and Dr.s haven't been too helpfull. Turns out that in my case Chinese food, sweet gummy candy, and skipping meals give me migraines. How lame is that?!?!

    It might take a while to figure out what triggers them, but it's worth it.

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