
I get my braces off tomorrow and...?

by  |  earlier

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i am worried because i was looking at my teeth in the mirror and i saw yellow lines where the wire goes across the teeth and my teeth are going to look bad when the orthodontist takes them off and my parents are going to want to see my teeth afterwards and then i have a dentist appointment and they are going to tell me im taking bad care of my teeth but im not and my teeth will look stupid being white where the braces were connected to the teeth and then yellow everywhere else with dark yellow lines going across the teeth from the wires...what do i do i am scared???!??




  1. You  don't have to worry. Your orthodontist will clean you teeth after removing the braces at the time of removal of braces. All the lines or yellow discoloration, spots will be gone and your teeth will look absolutely clean and white. After braces you have to wear retainer. For more information on braces you can visit the following link

  2. Your orthodontist will polish your teeth after he takes your braces off and your teeth will look fabulous. if your still worried brush your teeth with baking soda to remove some of the yellow. Then swish some peroxide around in your mouth for a few minutes. It helps get more yellow off.

  3. you cant do much now to prevent anything or fix it.... when you go to the dentist ask if you can get your teeth whitened and have him polish your teeth this will reduce the color difference caused by your braces. once you get  them off take very good care of your teeth and the lines will fade soon enough  

  4. Well you could start by telling your parents about it so they won't kill you then. Maybe rinse you mouth with mouth wash before you leave do everything to make your teeth clean.

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