
I get my braces off tomorrow...what to expect?

by  |  earlier

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Does it hurt?

Will your teeth be discolored?

How long does it take?

Oh and I only had my braces on for a year and 9 my teeth wont have scars or be discolored form the braces right?




  1. Well even if you had your braces on for a month and you didn't brush them there is a possibility that they will be discovered. It depends on how well you have brushed them and flossed them. It will hurt, but the pain will be worth it. I don't know the exact time that it will take, it takes a different amount of time for every person. Your tonuge is going to like it, and it will keep l*****g your teeth nonstop! I hope that it goes well!

  2. it mite hurt a little i dont think its possible to go to an ortho without a little pain at least lol. it probably wont take too long and ur teeth will feel really big for a few days.

  3. I had braces for about a year and 5 months.  When they took them off, it kind of takes a while for them to actually fell normal.  It kind of hurts when you chew, only because your teeth are stiff.  My teeth werent discolored but it doesnt mean yours couldnt be.  Your teeth wont have scars, but maybe a spot that you need the brush the most.  There shouldnt be scars and getting them off takes about the same time as getting them on would, maybe even a little longer or shorter it depends on if you got it on only your top or only your bottom.  If you got both then it should be longer.

  4. I had mine on for about the same time as you. My teeth were a little discolored but I just bought a bleeching kit from the store and after about a week you couldn't even tell. Your teeth may be a little sore but that will fade. It will feel strange with no braces! My best advice would be to definitely wear your retainer. I started wearing mine but stopped after just a short while and my bottom teeth are now slightly crooked, my top teeth have also shifted but arent that bad.

    Good Luck!!

  5. You shouldn't have any pain, nor discoloration unless you took up drinking wine and smoking cigs for the past 1 year & 9 months...LOL

    Your teeth will likely be polished up right after the braces come off, so they'll feel wonderful--like you came home from a dental cleaning. You won't be able to keep your tongue off of them..!

  6. You might feel  a bit of pressure, but it won't hurt.

    It depends on how well you took care of your teeth with the braces, that will determine if they are discolored or not.

    It shouldn't take that long

  7. It hurts a tiny bit but definitely if you could handle the pain of getting them on, you'll be fine! Your teeth may be discolored if you didn't brush them a lot but most likely they will be nice and shiny and white!

    it takes about 45 minutes maybe a little less.

  8. expect sweet freedom lol i had braces.... anyways no it doesn't hurt but some of the glue will still be on your teeth. you might have some discolorations, but using crest whitestrips will help. it doesn't take too long.

  9. Don't worry, it's fine. First of all they remove the wires and snap off the parts that are glued to your teeth. It sounds worse than it actually is! Then they sand off the glue so your teeth are all smooth, which is similar to when you're at the dentist and they clean your teeth. And that's it! You may have to wear a plastic retainer every night for a certain amount of time, but I'm not sure. Your teeth will only be discoloured if you didn't brush them properly while you had your brace on. I can't really remember how long it took...maybe an hour? It feels really weird when it's all done, like you've got loads of space in your mouth. Definitely worth it though! Hope everything goes well!

  10. no they will clean them and they will look normal and shiney

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