
I get nervous when our family goes on road trips?

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One of my brothers used to think he was getting car sick, and we'd have to stop and let him out of the car and stuff. Ever since the first time this happened, I've been really nervous when we go on a car trip, and I start to feel nauseas at times. Is there anything I can take or anything that can help me fight off this fear?






  1. I'm the same. My sister used to get car sick and because of that I have a phobia of vomiting.

    Seeing the nausea you feel when you're on a family road trip is linked with your mind rather than actual motion sickness, what you have to do is keep your mind off car sickness.

    Take plenty of things to do in the car with you, such as games, music. Wear lose and comfy clothes. trying to sleep is probably most effective.

    If you do start to feel sick you can take ginger or stick your fingers out of the open window.

    But i've always found keeping my mind off motion sickness has been the best prevention. Now road trips are my favourite thing in the world :).

  2. bonine - its over the counter for motion sickness

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