
I get no hot water out of my shower faucet. The cold water flows fine but the hot water does not flow.?

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I have a newer home with a single handle faucet. When the faucet is turned to cold the water flows fine. When the faucet is rotated counter clockwise to the hot position the water stops flowing. What may be the cause of this and how can it be repaired with out calling a plumber? The shower is on the second story.




  1. Check your Hot Water Heater... It may be Down...  :(

  2. Is this the only hot water faucet that doesn't work? Maybe the valve isn't turned on to this faucet or maybe the line isn't connected right. There is also the possibility that something is plugging the hot water side of the faucet since it is new.

  3. If there is an access panel check to see it the valve is turned on.  If it has worked before and now has stopped, something may have clogged the hot side of the tub faucet.

  4. are all the faucets doing the same? if they are then check the valve on the pipe that goes into  the water heater, if thats open then your water heater might be clogged up, if its just your shower then your shower handle is broken and not opening the valve on the hot side, you will have to replace the valve

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