
I get overwhelmed when i think of what i have to do. How do i stay more calm?

by  |  earlier

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Yoga and all isnt an option - doubt my paretns would allow me to go. I'm like trying to schedule my stuffy BUT ITS SO OVERWHELMING I feel its to kmuch and then there i goo...Man i just think about it and off it goes...What to do??? MAN




  1. listen to music whatever kind u like personally i like metal but whatever u like it will help alot;

  2. How do you eat an elephant?

    1 bite at a time.

    Same with big projects.

    You're looking too far ahead. Keep your eyes on what's immediatelly ahead of you.

    If we all knew what all we'd have to go thru to get anywhere or get anything done, we'd never get started.

  3. Try to not look at the whole picture


    baseball 9 innings

    football 4 quarters  15min   with a halftime

    Take your tasks and break them down in any order you see fit

    Almost like gig-saw puzzle

    Then put one piece  or take care of one task   then move on

    If you look at the Whole football game  and your team sucks

    and you are playing the world champs   you haven't got a chance

    If you take it quarter by quarter    play by play

    Have what is called a game plan  

    then  at least you can b competitive

    And many a suck a---ss team have upset the champs

    Old wise saying

    Fail to plan  Plan to fail

    Make a plan   of course  allow it to b liquid  

    work your plan   then at the end of the day

    check out how you did   makadjustmentsts  as needed

    hope this helps in some way

    Always  take time for a deep breath and some fun

    See ya

  4. When I have so many projects on the go and some of them remain half-finshed, I stop and organize, prioritize. Schedule realistic due dates by priority. What thing has to be done first before anything else.

    Complete that one first to the exclusion of everything else. Set a date every night of the week for chores: Wed is laundry, Thurs is cleaning the bedroom, etc. Post a calendar in your room with your weekly agenda and stick to it. The worst thing for me is to write a huge list of all the things I think I need to get done and then it takes so long to start it. Just bite off small chunks at a time.

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