
I get paid a £1000 a month and my living expenses are £900?

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people that work make the world run but my friends on benefits are better off than me. What's the point anymore? I'm so fed up with the British economy, Its a ******* shamble but the people that run the UK would not know what this feels like




  1. You could sell your car and buy a bike. Get somewhere cheaper to live (Flat Share for example). And try getting more education.

    I had virtually no money while I was studying (4 years undergrad, 4 years post grad, 1 year PGCE). My first salary came when I was 27 years old.

    I can now afford comfortably to live working 3 days a week only, with a nice pension lined up. That didn't come about by moaning.

  2. Good on yer for at least having the morals to work, but everyone's in the same boat. Nice to know that 25% of UK tax goes on benefits, isn't it?

  3. I know the feeling

  4. The uk is in a downward spiral, I work abroad tax free and go back to the UK 2 or 3 times a year, every time I go it's got worse, I'm looking at relocating to the Med in the next few years, at least the weather will be good!

    I worked in the UK for 16 years and was sick of seeing people on benefits being able to afford holidays abroad while I worked long hours and couldn't afford a holiday at all. we have a great welfare system, but everyone knows it so we're flooded with immigrants who cross half a dozen european countries to claim asylum here. Free house, free money.

    Rant over!

    As for your problem, have you looked around for a better paying job, or one that will give you training to increase your earning potential?

    There are a lot of job webites that recruit overseas, one I use is below

  5. Its a sore point with a lot of hard workers trying to make a living.  Brown has good and proper put this country in the crapper, cheers Gordon you idiot.

  6. OMG How are you going to survive??!!!

  7. I'd say you were lucky to have £100 left out of that. Most people find they run out of money before their next pay cheque arrives, so consider yourself lucky you've got some left.

  8. move country...thats what im doing, im sick of slogging 50 hours a week to keep teenage mums in tracksuits and crack addicts on the street. Cant even afford a poxy flat but if i leave my husband and have 3 kids and go on drugs i can get a four bed house with a garden and a couple hundred a week on benefits while i sit and watch depressing soaps and moan about how c**p my life stinks!!

    Canada is a good option...

  9. I'm in the U.S. join the group/club

  10. I'm sure Your friends on benefits don't have 900 quid expenses every month.

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