
I get paid once a month instead of bi monthly, does this effect the tax rate of my paycheck?

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It seems that the rate is higher because of the larger amount on the paycheck. But it would make more since that they tax on the yearly salary amount rather then the amount on the check.




  1. They have different withholding tax tables for different pay frequencies - they are all set up to withhold the same amount of tax over a calendar year

  2. Only a little bit.

    Due to brackets and rounding, one check instead of two may have a little more withheld--but it will even out at the end of the year when you do your taxes.

  3. No there is no effect on your tax rate and it does not affect your paycheck.  It is a percentage, based on your earnings.  That's the whole point, it's a rate, a percentage, and the dollar amount depends on the earnings of each paycheck, while the rate remains the same.  

    If you earn a lot then you may max out contributions to Medicare and SS and then receive more eventually in each paycheck.

  4. No, the total withheld will come out the same.  The dollars withheld will be more, obviously, since your pay is more per month than biweekly.

  5. No, you tax rate is based on 12 pay days a year as opposed to 26.  There might be only a slight difference, but not enough to notice.

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