
I get picked on at school and im in 3rd year?

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im 14 in 3rd year im a muslim have lots of asian friends chinese aswell well in maths class i sit next to my best friend and my other asian friend

and these girls and these guys started to chuck stuff at us first it was little rubbers then the next day one of them threw a big chunk of rubber at my ear then a bigger shunk at my bff's back and when i was walkin out some one through some water at my back

the next day the even "by mistake" through a metal ruller at us but it mist us by to cm or somthing and my friend told the maths teacher and he didnt even do anything

and now we were back on monday and we were just doin or stuff and i felt stuff bein thrown at my head and i could hear the guys in the backround go

"oh yes" and "got her"

but they did nothing to my friend and when i was walkin out the through sharpinings at my head i hear them laugh and stuff

the teachers arnt doing anything and i just wanna know why their targetting me is it a racit attack but their not doin anything to my friends

its really starting to depress me i like maths but i dread it

i like my class apart from them and my mums always askin me whats wrong and stuff and i make up a load of crappy lies

what should i do this shouldnt even be an issue im 14 im quite loud but when this happens i am all quite and i take it i ignore it and nothing changes


and i dont want to here ot tell the teacher or head teacher or tell my mum

it is not going to happen i want to do something by myself

why should i be ******* depressed im 14 i should be frickin happy

im not pretty and im not skinny and im not happy with myself but i try iv wasted like most of my school life so far worrying and being really unhappy with myself and latly iv been happy untill now

plzzz help meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




  1. you really need to tell someone. my daughter went through the same thing in her last year on junior school and she refused to go to school for the last 3 months. eventually she told me what was going on and i was able to resolve it with the school. it broke my heart to think she was that unhappy and i'm sure your mum(or even a relative) would be so relieved to think that you had the courage to talk to her about what is going on at school. mothers aren't ogres and we really want to help. we feel helpless when our children are unhappy and want to do the best for you, talk to your mum and she will i'm sure be able to get this sorted out at the school. just as i did for my daughter. she in now in the second year of high school and has never been happier at school.

  2. You really need to tell someone what's going on before the situation gets out of hand.  If you don't put it out in the open the bullying is just going to get worse.

  3. just ask them what their damage is?

    anddd u should've said something in the first place cause now their gonna keep doing it.

    Answer mine;;...

  4. Pull a Bin Laden on them nah im just playin, but dont take ny mess fight back throw a ruler bak at them

  5. Well you know what the right thing is to do you just dont want to hear other people to tell you to do that. So I'm not going to.

    I am going to tell you that I doubt that it is a racist attack it sounds very much like bored teenagers trying to show off how cool and inconsiderate they can be. By ignoring the problem you're making them think they can do this to you. You need to stand up for yourself! You must do this otherwise they wont ever stop!

    You've already listed ways that you can stand up for yourself e.g. telling ur mum or you telling the head teacher directly. However you dont want to do this, so you have to build up all your courage and next time when those bored little freaks throw something at you, turn around and say something saracastic like:

    "were you meaning to get that in the bin cos I thought you were better at aiming than that?!"

    This would shock them cos you usually take it and dont say anything. If they answer you back and say "No I was meaning to get your head" start questioning them saying something like:

    "why what have I done to you? Does it really make you feel better throwing some silly rubber at my head?"

    If the teacher tells you off then say to that teacher "Well I was just asking them why they keep throwing rubbers at my head because they do it every day in maths class and it's really annoying and distracting me from my work."

    Just be brave girl and say it- they're only doing it cos they dont think you'll ever stand up for yourself.  

  6. The only way to truely stop the bullying is to tell a teacher that you trust and like and you know will help you...whether it be your maths teacher or not. There is no point standing up to the bullies on your own or you will make matters worse and get yourself into trouble. Tell a teacher what is happening and the effect that it is having on you. Yes it may make them hate you but once the teachers are aware of it, the bullies will have no choice but to stop. And if the teacher won't listen or do anything about it, tell another one or keep going on at them until they do. Trust me that is what us teachers are here not be afraid to confide in us.  

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