
I get picked on because of my appearance.?

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okay. i have a mole/beauty mark on my face about half an inch from my nose.

people make fun of me.and i get prank calls sayin stuff like can you make that mole go away.or eww its moley! ect.

its very upsetting.

and i would say I'm pretty, but i don't get asked out or liked by anyone.

idk if it because of the beauty mark or what.

I'm very nice and outgoing I'm not a prep but not weird/emo.

(like i wear brand clothes and make up and i have blonde hair.)

I have lots of guy friends who say I'm awesome and stuff.

but other guys don't like me.

I'm so confused...

ive thought about getting it removed.

(I'm thirteen)

my friends tell me not to because it makes me me.

but they don't understand how much it hurts and how much c**p i get because of it.

I'm also afraid if i get it removed of scarring.

please help.




  1. Girl, change your Avatar to a happy one. I don't want to see tears! No-way!

    I got picked on when i was school and it was because i was 'lost' apparently. But i stood my ground and stuck my chin up high! Don't let other people get to you just because of a mole/beauty spot. Gosh it's called beauty spot for a reason. You have beauty and you also have confidence to call yourself beautiful!

    But don't let others get to you. They are just jealous honey. You need to live your life, don't waste it on stupid people. Come on smile! :D You can get through this!

    If you wana talk ever, add me and email me. Don't be thinking of getting the beauty spot removed! Be proud of it!!

  2. If you think that it will make you feel better and more confident, you should get it removed. As for scaring, you can probably cover it up. But don't be too upset, everyone has something they don't like about them. Good luck!

  3. just go to the dermatologist if you think it will cause you phycolgical


    people wont always make of you. thats lame if they do anyways.

  4. I have a beauty mark too. I was teased and it wasn't fun.  I know it seems like a cliche and an answer everyone gives, but it is true.  They are insecure.  Those people need to make fun of others to 'fit in' with whatever friends they think they have. When they make fun of you just look at them with pity and move on.  Don't feed them with hurt feelings and comments that won't change their mind.  

    And don't for a second think about having it removed!!

  5. I say keep it.

    It's called a beauty mark for a reason.

    I mean, look at Marilyn Monroe. That's one of her recognizable traits.

    You're really young right now, just wait a few years and guys will be all over you. Trust me.

    Not everyone is going to think your pretty, that's a fact. No matter how beautiful you may be, someone is gonna hate. Just don't listen to them, they're not perfect either.

  6. As you get older the teasing will stop, and people won't even notice. I used to get teased relentlessly for my very crooked teeth. Now I'm 20, and crooked teeth or not men throw themselves at me. Your at an age where people are very unsure of themselves and feel better by picking on things that are different about others. If you have the mole removed, it WILL leave a scar. The scar will be much worse than a little hyper-pigmentation.  I know how much it hurts to have people put you down for something you can't control. It's very hard. But trust me, it will only get better.  

  7. Give them 2 more years to mature.

  8. What's your question?

  9. If you are so concerned about the mole, you should just try treating it.  You can try talking to a dermatologist about it, and ask for possibilities of getting rid of it.  Also, the scar probably wouldn't be as bad as the mole, people wouldn't be recommending it if it was worse.  

    Although, many people have moles.  I don't think you should be worrying about it, unless it were a foot wide.

    Everyone gets picked on because of their appearance, pretty or not.  I've only met a few kind-hearted people who have yet to be made fun of.

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