
I get really scared at night HELP!!!!!!

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i get REALLY REALLY scared at night i star sweating and i get really hot i need some help or advice or even tips!




  1. night sweats could indicate liver stress.

  2. It sounds like a panic attack.  IT happens to me too.  I read on line that you should lay in bed, and starting at your toes, work your way up your body thinking about how each part of your body feels.  By the time you reach your chest, you will realize that there is nothing wrong.  It actually helps a little.  My daughter is 10 and has panic attacks and she goes to a counselor.  The counselor tells her to breathe in deep through her nose, then out slowly through her mouth, while telling herself that she is fine.  It works.  

  3. It kind of sounds like a panic attack.  Are you having trouble breathing?  If so, I would maybe talk to a dr. about getting some medication to keep them under control.  Good Luck.

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