
I get really stand off-ish and defensive when my wife talks about my mother, why?

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My mother passed away alil over 2 years ago.

My wife really believes in the whole supernatural, other worldly thing.

When she talks about it, tells me our daughter was talking to her again, tells me how our son, (adopted by me in marriage) who has never met her, was talking about her again... It really bothers me.

I get stand off-ish and short.

I dont know if i belive in that sort of thing.. but i dont want to hear about it.. It scares me.

And i esspecially dont want to hear it about my mother.

Why is that.?

The circumstances of her death are odd.

She apperantly overdosed on her pain meds, from back surgery.

Which confuses me. I know it couldnt have been suicide, she was so exicited to goto yellowstone the coming weekend.

And she had been on pain pills for so long.. Sometimes she got higher then nessecary ya konw.. But i cant believe she died.. Sometimes i htink my step dad, who was unhappy, had a hand in it.

Back to question at hand.

Why do i get so upset when people talk about my mother?




  1. because she is your mom

  2. I think it's natural, in a way.

    Personally, I believe that your mother is one of the most important women in any1's life.

    Human,  OR animal.

    I mean, if it weren't for our mothers, then we wouldn't even be here tonight answering each other's questions in Yahoo.

    In a way, if it weren't for my mami, than I wouldn't be up @ 4:5oAM on a August Saturday morning, while getting lifted N going back to bed.

    I will tell you this though, in a way a mother can be a mean and evil person really, MEANING that my son's mother has totally ruined my outlooks on mothers in a way totally

    ...I have a son...his name is Xavier Melquisedec.  HE is just a little boy.  He is only 5yrs old.  He is my angel.  I believe that he is my only reason for living after I had a fatal car crash accident that claimed the live of my ex good friend Justin (RIP) that left me in a coma for about a month.

    My mother has been by my side the whole way...from her home city, to the next town/hospital were I was for 1o months.

    Anyways, it seems that EVERY1 I knew have all gone their separate ways, except my mother.  She has always been there for me...deep down inside this means alot to doubt.

    Anyways, this being one of the reasons why, I think my mami has been one of the most important persons in my life, for sure.

    ......BUT MY SON'S MOTHER has blocked my phone # so I cannot even call my son to say HI to him.

    She is keeping our son away from me.

    She has sent me to jail in the past.

    She has engaged then left me in the past.

    She has promised to be by my side for as long as I live...she is now pregnant with the next man's seed, knowing N feeling that that it was just another nut she should have swallowed...

    She has called the police on me N got them to tell me NOT to call HER apt to talk to our son ONLY in the past.

    SHE has made me feel that a mother can be most imporant and the most mean person in a man's life.

    Needless to say, I do NOT believe in ghosts my self.

    I think that if a person believes in such things as ghosts than they should keep that to themselves.

    We as children, do not want to hear about our children N dead people @ all, this does NOT appeal to us.

    ...shiet yo, I'm late to go to bed, N I'm lifted here...JUST tell this person "just keep my mother outta this, N my brother'll keep this outta your mother"...HAD to finish it's too late this Sunday...I'm out, good luck W dat....PEACE OU+.

  3. Thats because you love her and she meant the world to you.So next time when someone talks about your mom, just switch off listening to them and keep thinking and reliving all the best moments you spent with her just get lost in this special thought no one can disturb this. Live with her in your thoughts and dreams.

  4. Because you had to let her go and you weren't ready.

    Now in your head you've pushed her out of your life completely (or thought you did) to cope with the pain. When someone brings her back into your life you don't want to remember because it makes you feel that pain again and while you know she never will be, it pisses you off because your mind takes it  in as a form of an attack.

    You just want to forget, I understand, but, sometimes it's best not to. Cherish her memories.

  5. I am not sure but it some what looks to me that you have not come to terms with your mothers death yet. You have not fully dealt with it. I know it is hard to talk about some one that is no longer hear. Children have questions that have to be answered even if we do not like it. The sooner you can do these things the better for you. Maybe it would help if you go professional help on how to deal with these things. I think the reason you get so upset when people talk about your mother is your are still in denial   about her being gone. You have not accepted the fact that she is with God and not their with you anymore. Paranormal is a very scary thing and from what I am told, it is not uncommon for children to talk to the departed people. Some way they seem to have a very special connection and sometime even when they do not even know the person. My father has been gone sense 1969 and sometime I can still see him very clearly and yes, it is very scary. I have never talked to him but just seeing him is enough even though we were never that close. I hope this is of some help to you. I am very sorry for your loss, may God be with you and watch over you and your family. Good  Luck

  6. An overdose doesn't always mean suicide. It could have been accidental. She could have been in so much pain or not have paid attention to the dose. Tell your wife that what she is doing is making you uncomfortable. You should also seek help.  

  7. cuz she is ur mother and feel that it should be YOU not other ppl talking to her or blah blah...pls tell ur wife that u would appreciate if she would stop mentioning about your dead mother cuz it is upsetting you and ask her not to question you but try to understand you and respect you.  

  8. because you love her and her death was so to your wife and tell her you absolutely dont want to hear it.sorry for your loss.many overdoses are accidental. it was her time to go.god took her .shes not suffering anymore.dont think your dad did it. if you really do,confront him. it happens and its so very sad.

  9. Probably because you love her and miss her. Grief hits people in many ways...

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