
I get red spots on my wrists from playing volleyball, why??

by  |  earlier

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it's kind of scary, cuz should that even happen? but i am just starting to play volleyball. should i wear the athletic tape or something to protect my wrists from getting the tiny red spots?




  1. It's from hitting and passing the ball.

    Since you are just starting out your forearms will hurt a little bit at first. But it will go away after a while, when you get used to the contact on your forearms. You could wear long sleeve shirts if it bothers you badly, if not just get used to it. It will go away after you play for awhile.  

  2. probably just passing... it is usual.

    if it worries you that much athletic tape will do the trick.

  3. no you shouldnt wear anything on your wrists because when you hit the ball it wont go where you want it to go. its just that you have sensitive skin and your wrists will get used to the ball getting hit on it and eventually the red spots will go!

    hope this helps! =]

  4. I get purple dots all up my forarms from digging and passing :) when i first started volleyball in grade school my right hand had dots all over from trying to serve:P i dont think its a big deal, mine went away

  5. because you're hitting the volleyball with our wrist

  6. The red spots are just from you hitting the ball in that spot. you'll get used to it... but you are really supposed to hit the ball just above your wrist because you could injure your it. If you hit the ball above your wrist you'll still be getting red but you will, i promise, get used to it. :)

  7. This happens to alot of people when they first start playing vball. Its just that your skin isn't used to bumping the volleyball so its kinda irritated right now. Don't worry about it-it'll probably go away with time, but if not, than you could consider doing something about it. For now just keep bumping and in a few weeks it should go away because your skin  will get used to it. Good luck

  8. It's from setting and hitting, it's not bad, but it will hurt and you can get bruises. Wear athletic tape or wrist guard things.

  9. no it's because your hitting the ball w/ ur writs.where ever you hit the vollyball you will get red marks.the ball has so much power that when you hit it it leaves red marks.try to hit the volley ball with not using ur wrist but if the wrist work do that.hope that helps. good luck. ia always will cheer on a volleyball player but in my head. goodluck I PLAY VARSITY! if it worries you then get athletic tape

  10. Don't worry.

    It only happens to people who just started to play volleyball. It is cause your skin are still not used to all the hard bumpings. You don't have to wear anything to protect yourself. Just get used to it. It may form bruises but they will go off in a few days.


  11. when i play volleyball, i get those spots 2. volleyballs can be very hard so hitting the hard ball on you wrists can really hurt! trust me.... i kno.

  12. Your hitting it in the wrong spot

    your supposed to hit the ball

    with your fore arm

    not your wrist.

    My coach told me if

    you do that for a long

    time you can get injured

  13. no it's normal if  it is your first year or just started. it's because you aint use to a ball hitting you there and your muscle's have to adjust to it but as you play more it will go away.good luck!

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