
I get sexually turned on by my mum what should i do?

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I get sexually turned on by my mum what should i do?




  1. R u Serious?

  2. and never mention it again. By your mom? I could see if it was someone else's mom, but yours...uh NO! End of story. Pretend like it never happened.

  3. WOW! Hey c'mon dear,She's too old for ya!! Go and get a girlfriend or else get yourself consulted by a psy!!!! LOL!!

  4. WTF try to aviod her

  5. seriously..?

  6. get a girlfriend, take cold showers, seek professional help, or buy her some flowers take her out on date and see how you get on :P

  7. I hope you are joking, but even then it is not funny!  You are absolutely disgusting!

  8. Is she your step mom? coz if thats the case then its natural if something like that happens (if she's near ur age and pretty)... if u r a teenager then its not a big problem.

    Just control your feelings (its not impossible to) and u'll get over it.. just think of it in ur mind as a stupidd lame feeling which has no meaning in reality and u'll gradually find urself out of this problem. Its just the hormones playing with your mind and it'll be soon fixed.

    If she is your real mom then too the above solution applies. Control yourself and it will gradually be all ok.

    If even trying this doesnt help ( in long time) then u might want to consult a doctor (u  might b having some serious hormonal disbalance)

    All the Best. You'll be allright..dont worry.



  9. this is in NO WAY NORMAL... but this is something that can be fixed. Think back over your life. What happened that made you look at your mother in this way? What would your father say? I think the answer to your problem is to find a girlfriend that turns you on wayu more than your mother does. Focus and spend your time and energy on her.

  10. one word: therapy

  11. Ok man thats just gross. Dont even ask c**p like that on answers.

  12. you should definitely seek counseling

  13. PIITB

  14. Go see a physiatrist, soon.

  15. I'd say you have a thing for older women. Perhaps you should seek a girlfriend who is a few years older than you, but certainly not as old as your mom. You may need to see a psychologist if your arousel continues.

  16. Well... this is hard. Buy her disgustingly ugly clothes for her birthday and Christmas and she'll feel like if she doesn't wear them she'll hurt your feelings. When you see her in these hideous outfits, she won't turn you on so much. Get a girlfriend, do your girlfriend, jack off. Whatever it takes to stop getting urges. Picture something gross on your mom. What are you most afraid of? Whenever you see her picture her surrounded or covered in whatever you're afraid of. That helps with me when I think about cigarettes, not that I smoke them. Sometimes I just want to try them but I think about somebody swallowing one and it burning the inside of their throat and choking them, that always gets them off my mind. Perhaps it'd help to go see a counselor? Or maybe just try to get out of the house more? Play sports, hang out with friends, whatever. How old are you anyway? If you're like a 30 year old man living at home with your mom that is just creepy, move out if that's the case. Umm sorry that's really all I can think of. Hopefully something here works. Bye.

  17. Get a girlfriend.

  18. castration

  19. Wow

  20. I hope this is like step mom!!! Wow...You need to get in church,get some pray, get counseling. Seriously, you need Jesus!!

  21. Its okay, Now just look at this awnser.

    Lots of people get turned on by there parents. Your not the only one. Does your mum know this?

    I would speak with a school counsiler or if your older. Go to a specialist.

    This is if you don't want to be turned on anymore.

    If you are not bothered, You may want to do something that may get your mind off it, May i suggest something completely diffrent, Like a fast-paced sport, Football Perhaps?

    Hope I Helped


  22. I say just talk to her not like hitting on her but i don't know i guess ask her why she did it but if shes married still just don't mention it again

  23. Check local laws before pursuing the relationship.

  24. Your sick! Pray about that man! Get counseling or sumthing! WOW!

  25. Google Oedipus complex and you will find your answers.

  26. seek mental help thats not exactly normal..  

  27. That's unhealthy and abnormal. Be more social with other girls your age and possibly try dating. You might need some therapy and/or counseling.

  28. There's other women out there.. too

    go find an aunt or a cousin...


  29. eeew?

  30. eeewwwww someones going through puberty. but seriously this would require some counseling.

  31. Incest is fun for all the family!

    I love how serious people are taking this!

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