
I get shoulder cramps when I run but I am in shape and eat a rich diet. They start out little; then turn sharp

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I get shoulder cramps when I run but I am in shape and eat a rich diet. They start out little; then turn sharp




  1. it seems like you might need to loosen up your shoulders like relax your shoulders more as you are running. Or just massage them before and after you run. Oh and  stretching is important too. =)

  2. The problem when you get shoulder cramps is because you either are working a muscle that you should not be. Pump your arms straight. If you let your arms get out of control thats when you get shoulder cramps. Eating has nothing to do with getting shoulder cramps. I have ate before I ran. It dosen't make you get shoulder cramps.

  3. i think you might need to just relax your shoulders when you run, because i get shoulder cramps to and i know that i run with tense shoulders. i don't know why, i just do. it's hard to relax them but just try to concentrate on keeping them relaxed but don't lose focus on running. and focusing on your shoulder while still running counts as losing focus. you could waste more energy if you lose focus which would result in exhaustion and a worse time/ pace.

  4. Are you tense?  Your shoulder can creep towards your ears, and then can cause tension pains.  Try to relax when running.  If you feel your shoulders riding up, shrug them and shake your arms, make sure your running with your back straight aligned with your hips, looking straight ahead, short strides, and let arm swing gently in sync with your legs.  Listen to music if it relaxes you.

    Good luck and run happy :)

  5. this same thing happenend to me when i started sprinting, i had no shoulder muscle =] but it came as i learned to pump my arms and what not, so now if i pump my arms alot and run really fast my shoulders tense up now and then, maybe you're getting more muscular?

  6. i get them too i found it helps if you strech them

    swing your arm in a wide cirlcle both directions

    take your right arm across ur body and pull it in with your other arm while holding ur shoulders back

    then take ur arm behind ur head and garb ur elbow with other hand and pul downb on it

    that should help alot while runing

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