
I get sick when i drink beer?

by  |  earlier

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Well i went to a party a week ago and had one to many ( about 20 something) and got sick and throw it all up. Well now i cant` handle beers anymore. I like drinking and i was wondering if anything i can do to get my beer drinking ability back?




  1. give it time, your stomach will forget about it. then when you start back up, take it easy.

  2. light wieght lol jk

    your stomach doesnt like digesting it caus you threw it up the last time lol

  3. Ahhh wellll ....

    It's a fact ... once you drink something, and it makes you really sick, you'll always associate that particular drink (in your case, beer) with puking your guts out.

    It's the same with food really.  If something ever made you sick, just consuming that food or drink will make you feel sick.

    Drink something else.  In time, you might be able to stomach the beer again, but maybe not.

    And ... 20 beers is NOT "one too many" ... it's about 15 too many!

  4. changr your drink stay away from beer for a month or so

  5. If you were drinking American's all the c**p they put in the beer.

    Quit going for volume, and drink something quality, and drink less.  

    If you're finding yourself allergic to something in the beer, try drinking something else (it's possible the barley/wheat/hops may not agree with you).

  6. You've reached a very trying time in your beer drinking life.  Don't lose faith.  You will be able to drink 20 something beer again.  You will.

  7. I personally think 20 beers is to much, Maybe u should take a break for a while and maybe next time if ever, try to drink more responsively and limit your intake.

  8. Drink something else for awhile.

  9. drink beer with lower pourcentage kid

  10. your stomach is weak. end of story.

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