
I get spooked...?

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after watching shows like 'ghost hunters' and 'a haunting' (more ghost hunters than haunting though...i guess cuz it seems more real). i'm very interested by the paranormal & supernatural, have always been. does anyone have any ideas how i can get over this? i almost have to record 'ghost hunters' and watch it during the day the next day, or i get spooked to be left in bed alone after hubby gets up for work next day, if i wake up when he gets up.




  1. There is no reason to be scared.  It sounds like you are just fascinated by the unknown, which is normal.  Just look at it more scientifically like GH's do and it won't be as scary.  And trust me,,I have had spirits try to touch me, talk to me, and I have seen them.  And it doesn't scare me,,just freaks you out a little. For the most part, they can't hurt ya.

  2. That's funny - when I first started watching it I was freaked out, but now I'm used to it and desensitized because it's been like 3 months every Wednesday.  Still, depending on the show I can get spooked, but that's why I watch it - for the thrill, it just takes more now.  Try watching it alone all the time at night (like me) - at least you have someone there.  :o)

    The same thing happened with a fear of heights - after a month on a ladder or roof painting, I was over it.

  3. You are spooked because, like all people, you are impressionable.  You are also spooked because you may not understand what's going on and you believe what they are showing you.  The producers are doing their best to make you spooked.  They rely on this sort of reaction.  If this show were presented in an objective, rational and clinical fashion you wouldn't be watching it.  That's because the show isn't about what they [never seem to] find, but how it's presented.

  4. It's simple enough to choose not to be fearful.  Fear is just a personally selected [usually unconscious] set of priorities and values.  Make your choices and priorities a conscious process and you can add, or remove anything you care to.

  5. I think you're more scared of what you DON'T know than what you DO know. You can kinda dilute it by reading the Resolved Questions&Answers on here. After will get boring and you won't be as scared..and you'll understand things a lot better. We're scared of aliens because we don't know them. I'll bet if some lived here a year or two ..we wouldn't be scared...maybe even get tired of them. Same with ghosts.

  6. ok look fear is natural but ghosts canot hurt you so there is no reason to be skaird ok beleve me i watch ghost busters and the ring and others just think of other things ( plesent things!)

    or just stop all together rember fear is natural to protectus but somtimes fear is caused by things that cant hurt us.

  7. I just tell myself its just a Tv show. Out of the millions of houses out there, how many become huanted? No ones dies at your house there recently? You should be safe.

  8. If your addictied to the show or similar shows, like I was, My advice is that turn the recorder off. Then when you miss the show, youll have nothing to support your addiction. So you have to make time to watch it. Just wait till you see how inconvenate that is! lolThen it wont be so pleasurable to watch. Now being spooked all the time, Is because your always thinking of the stuff, once you stop watching it all the time you'll stop thinking of it all the time and the weird feelings will eventually go away. good luck

  9. There is nothing to fear in the first place.  They can not hurt you.  You should read some of Sylvia Browne's books.  She can explain it better to you!  Until then....... watch them durring the day. lol

  10. just tell yourself ITS NOT REAL over and over again its all in ur mind

  11. My answer may not be very PC, but I would suggest that you investigate faith. I promise, I'm not preaching, but it makes sense. If you truly believe there is something spiritual being seen on those shows, and you believe they are harmful (or else they wouldn't scare you so much), you will need a spiritual defense. It can be very reassuring to have your God behind you in these matters! If you are interested, you can always PM or Email me, and that way, a flame war can be avoided =)

    I understand if some people are offended by this, but I certainly mean no offense, and that is my honest opinion, so please do not flame this post.
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