
I get terrible burning pain in my shins when i walk

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I started noticing the pain when i started going to college last year.

I walk for a short distance and then i get a terrible ache feeling in my left shin, and it starts to burn...if i carry on walking it gets worse and i begin to limp.

My right shin can last a little bit longer than my left.

But what is this pain? how can i get rid of it? i live not even 10 minutes away by foot from college and i really like walking there.

I'm not the most fit guy, i smoke and i'm currently overweight.

I've read on the net that because i havent used my legs so much, my body has broken down the muscle tissue. Is there any foot/ankle/shin/leg excercises i can do to make my shins stronger?

any help is appreciated, thanks.




  1. i get that too!! its really sore..


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