
I get terrible period pains the week leading up to my period, during,and up to 2 days after it has ended ?

by  |  earlier

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I am 38 years old, have a period every 3 weeks, which cause's me great pain the week leading up to my period, during and then up to 3 days after i finnish. i feel like i never get a break and live on pain killers to control the pain which knocks me off my feet. Is Any body out there having the same sort of thing that can suggest any thing to help or what is causing all this. cheers




  1. i use to have this prob  but if you go see your GP  then can put u on the contraception pill ( they find one that suits you )  and honest  this really helps. i use to get them a day be4 and a day after my period to the point i us to curl up in pain but the pill really dose help, well it worked for me i have not had one since i started mine about 6 months ago.

  2. You should talk to your doctor about the painful periods and maybe it could be endometriosis. You could also try treatments such as chiropractic,accupuncture and etc. I would use heating pad and take hot baths for my cramps but it would be temporary and now since I am on the depo shot I don't have a period anymore but there are nasty side effects to the shot.  

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