
I get the munchies so bad at night!!!?

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what tips do you have for avoiding food at night?




  1. Give away to a little indulgence *a bite or two >.< , and then eat like a apple or banana....You be too full to even want some munchies....

  2. stay away from the kitchen and sleep !

  3. I do too. Here are some tips. =)

    ~Chew gum. It will help you not to eat and you will not want to eat after that minty taste!

    ~Brush your teeth at 7:00pm. It will help you not eat because it will give you that minty taste, and you already brushed your teeth!

    ~Read or do something you like to do to keep your mind off food.

    ~Ask yourself: are you hungry or bored? Some people eat a lot or just eat when they are bored or depressed.

    ~Eat a filling dinner so you won't get hungry at 9.

    ~Drink water if you get hungry.

    ~Try not to keep a lot of snacks in an easy accessible place. The harder it is to get to them, the more you will think that it is not worth it.

    ~Good luck! =)

  4. That's my hardest time also so I know what you mean.  First, I don't keep the things that really tempt me in the house.  If I'm going to munch on potato chips, M&Ms, or ice cream (my big 3 temptations) I've got to go to the store and buy it.  It's easier to talk myself out of it if I have to go to the store.  

    Then I make sure I get a good satisfying dinner so that I'm not hungry.  If all you have for dinner is a little salad or something, you're going to be hungry later and that's not the munchies that's for real hunger.  

    Finally I try to stay busy so that I don't have time to think about eating.  3 nights a week I go to the Fitness Center and swim for an hour. I love swimming so that's a good motivator.  The other nights I take my dog to the park and we walk.  It's good for her and we both love it.  

  5. eat a hearty breakfast up your fluid intake eat lunch and dinner if you are hungry try a bowl of oats before bed and try some form of relaxation.

  6. stay of the pot and drink lots of water

  7. i seriously think, well this is my theory that we humans become very hungry before going to sleep, i think we are made this way since you are about to fast for 8+ hours.  Which means you will not eat for a long period of time, and therefore your body is almost trying to get enough food to hibernate.  Just eat something but not much.

  8. Eat more carbs during the day to keep you full. But if keep getting the munchies, eat something a little more healthy than snacks. Try dried fruit or an apple.

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