
I get the weariest feeling travelling down a lane near my house.?

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When driving down the lane in the dark I have seen a person shine a torch across the road in front of the car, then it just dissapears. I have seen the person and the light the torch makes, but it all just vanishes before I get to where it is. Is this a ghost? I always get the same creepy feeling when in the lane (day or night and always have. Even before I saw anything) I have also seen the person in the day time, but they always are gone by the time I get to them. There is no way I couldn't see them if they had terned around to go back the way they had come.




  1. Either you are having a persistent hallucination, you are visually misunderstanding something that is really there or there is really an apparition with a flash light.  Which do you suppose is the most probable explanation?

    Could this be your headlights reflecting off something in the distance?  Does anyone else see this apparition?  Do you see it every time you drive down that road, or only under certain conditions?  Is this a residential area?  If you can see the person in broad daylight, then how does he disappear?

    The point is you have to eliminate all possible natural explanations before you can honestly conclude that this is a paranormal thing you're experiencing.

  2. WEARIEST, eh?

  3. i think either something has happened in the past at that point, connected to you in some way, and its these spirits trying to give you some kind of knowelege about this incident or something they need you to resolve for them.

    or something real bad is gona happen to you or someone close to you or maybe both and the spirits are just pushing you to a point ....

    you know?

  4. Congratulations. You have just seen  a ghost. Pretty cool, huh?

  5. i would say you are seeing and feeling a ghost .dont be scared it probly searching for somthing why dont you try to check out the area to see if there was a fatal car crash or somthing .open your mind and stay in the area for awhile to see if you can pick anything up .good luck

  6. Find a group of investigators in your area, let them know what you have seen and felt many times there, and see if they want to investigate. If I were you, I would want to know what I was seeing. I know if I were near you, I would jump on something like that to investigate. A reoccurring apparition is not an everyday happening. And you may find as suggested, there may have been a crash, or somebody may have been killed and dumped there. You can look for groups near you by going to Yahoo groups and

  7. A lot of people don't believe in ghosts, but I do, I used to have a pure black cat, in a certain spot in the house he would walk up to it, then all of a sudden jump up spin around, meow and then walk away like nothing ever happened, he did this numerous times in the same spot.

    Try and trace the history in the area of the lane, was anyone killed there? or did some dies there, maybe its the ghost of a loved one looking for them?

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