
I get these weird bunches of black dots on my teeth

by Guest44784  |  earlier

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They are not cavities. I always get them like a few months after my visit to the dentist. When he cleans my teeth, the spots just come off very easily. But a few months later, they come back. He just told me to brush my teeth more. It's been like this for years!

Anyways, they're back, and I'm brushing so hard... but they STILL won't come off! Aghh! Help?




  1. eeeeeewwww I have never heard of that  xox

  2. try a solution of ammonia and dish cleaner rubbed on ur teeth. it will probably keep those away. sounds pretty scary. maybe u have tapeworm eggs being laid on ur teeth or something?  

  3. TAPEWORM EGGS????????????????????? ahaha

    well i hope you feel better soon  

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