
I get this weird tingly, swelly sensation....?

by  |  earlier

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in my "area" whenever I touch myself there...

what could that be?




  1. Keep touching there, and it will go away....!!!!!

  2. Hopefully I'm that bald guy

  3. You are extremely turned on.  Its a good feeling, accept it and enjoy it.  You must be feel sensitive too.  

  4. I get that all the time...why don't I come over and I'll help you figure it out.

  5. Your pregnant.....again......

  6. Are you leaking something I like to call C  U  M? If so, chances are you are horny.

  7. you are stimulating yourself.  Your clitorous is gettnig engorged with blood, and thus swelling up, causing you to have tingly feelings.

    It's perfectly normal and a great thing!

  8. OMG< OMG< OMG!!  It could be an STD!  You better go sit in some scalding hot water with some bleach to disinfect your lower netherlands.  If that doesn't seem to help, rub some Vaseline on the area and move your hands quickly...this usually alleviates the problem in about 10 minutes.  Sometimes you can find a bald guy with good abs to help...?

    Pick one...

    Sandy  :O)

    Good Morning, MRS!

  9. go to the doctor

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