
I get turned on by girls and my bf doesnt no .am i bi?

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I get turned on by girls and my bf doesnt no .am i bi?




  1. Honestly, only you can answer that question. Some people call me a L*****n because I feel attracted to and like to have s*x with girls, but I also like boys, (although, mostly girls) and I consider myself bisexual.

  2. More information is needed before your question can be answered. What do you mean when you write you're "turned on"? We notice attractive people every day, it doesn't mean there is anything sexual in it. How old are you? Sometimes a crush is just that.. passing, no need to re-evaluate your life just over a crush.

    As for being bisexual, that's an identity only you can decide for yourself.. Nobody should attempt to impose that upon you, and if someone does... run, run fast.

  3. You're L*****n if you are aroused by girls physically and emotionally, and not that way with men. You are straight if you are aroused physically and emotionally with men.

  4. not neccissarily

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