
I get uncomfortable around all my friends and their bfs?

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I get very uncomfortable when my friends have their boyfriends around, because they are usually very close (not over the top), but just holding hands, playing with each other a little etc. I'm 22 and have never dated or had a bf. How do I get over this?




  1. well u can get a bf and well u knoe just be like them ....just don't go with a jerk.....  yeah but i knoe wat u mean....or u can make other frends and just kick it with them wen their around their bf's and yeah just be social wwith other ppl...and get ure flirt on!!!!

  2. Okay, don't take this wrong. I had the same problem in high school. Then I realized--turns out I'm a L*****n. Once I realized that, the discomfort  made more sense to me. Then I got a girlfriend and the way my friends were feeling for their significant others also made more sense to me. So, the discomfort got better. Maybe you are, maybe you aren't. Perhaps you were just raised in a family that was not very affectionate. Or maybe you just feel generally uncomfortable with other people's affections for each other.  

  3. Well yea who doesn't get unconfortable around that. Who wants to be the third wheel when hanging out. You should totally get out there and find you a man or maybe talk to your friend and tell her how akward it is. I think there should never be friend time and boyfriend tim toghther thats just worng. If she wants you to hang out with the both of them I would suggest not to go but maybe schedule something later without him.

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