
I get very moody, been so stress out, how can I feel better? More details inside?

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Okay well I'm 23 yrs. old been married for over a year. 3 weeks ago I had a miscarriage at 8 weeks in my pregnancy(1st pregnancy). Almost 2 months ago, my in-laws, and their 3 kids moved in with US, so that we could buy the house(since my hubby and I were renting) I didn't want to, but everyone was so happy about the idea, I couldn't back down anymore.

I just get soooo moody, I hate coming home to find my mother in law, her 15 year old son, 8 year old son, and 11 month old baby girl. Its just not the same anymore. Everything has changed! Before I could be hanging out in the living room, and cooking at the same time going back and forth, throw my shoes wherever. Now all my hubby and I have left is one room(the master bedroom)

We are in the process of building a house, and my dad and hubby promised me that they would do everything for the whole process to go faster. But I still get moody of being in this room. We are trying to save up money for the house, so like my hubby and I don't really go out so that we won't spend money.

Even when my hubby and I go outside to be with our dogs, we're not alone cause eventually someone always comes whether its his brother or his whole family!

Plus I really want a baby, but i was told to wait, and I have my appointment next week. I'll admit it that I get so moody around my hubby but I just hate how I feel that everything fell all at the same time.

I feel like my miscarriage happened due to stress from having his family here, from arguing with my hubby(we have arguments everyday! since his family moved in!)

Its just so chaotic here in the house. Today we brought some jack in the box, came to our room, his baby sister immediately comes crawling to us to the room, his younger brother comes to get our yorkie dog, takes the dog to his room, then comes back to tell us that the dog pooped. So my hubby has to go clean it up, his sister is still here in the room, trying to walk so I'm trying to eat but can't cause I'm holding her so she won't fall. Like little things like that get me frustrated that we can't sit down peacefully :(




  1. Number one, find a way to find some alone time, very obvious but necessary.  Going for a walk would be perfect because exercise is a great mood lifter and stress reliever.  It's okay to let the entire family know that this is to be YOUR time.  

    You and your husband should also have some together by yourselves time.  If it means sitting in Jack in the box to eat instead of in your room do it.  Make it a twice a day walk, you alone in the morning your husband and you at night. Whatever where ever you choose just make sure the two of you have time.

    Lastly, your room should be just that your room, not an extended living/family room.  If your door doesn't have a lock, buy one.  Sit down with your in-laws and explain your new boundaries.  You are all in this for a better future, try to keep that in mind, but remember that your sanity now is first and foremost!

    Oh, and as a woman make sure you are getting plenty of B vitamins, they're very good for your emotional health.

  2. Ok. From what I can tell your life is filled up with other peoples responsibilities, and that can easily lead to frustration. Your life is not what you hoped, your used to you laid back lifestyle, and your relationship has hit a rough patch. I can understand what your going through is tough, so here;s a few tips to come out of this in one piece.

    1. Try meditation, trust me on this it works wonders on your stressed mind. If meditation sounds like isn't your thing look into massage therapy or acupuncture or anything else that relieves stress.

    2. Talk out your problems with your "hubby" see if you can find some common ground on your issues.

    3. Assert yourself to your in laws. It is your house and you should not have to bear their burden. If they wont come to some sort of compromise then it may be time for them to leave.

    4. BE PATIENT! I know it's tough now but everything; a baby, your relationship, your in-laws, will get better with time.

    That's all i can offer you and I hope you come out of this ok.

  3. only you can choose how you feel. I know it's really hard to but nomatter how much stress life throws at you you can always control how you handle it!!! Just try and think of happy things. The harder the things in life are the stronger we become!

    Have them move out too. You don't need that. It's your house! Your only 23 you need to be relaxed!!!

  4. your patience hopefully will pay off when you have your house. all things in due time and rome or your house was not built in a day.

    when things are bad...just think of those who don't have a home or have failing health.  try to put things in perspective, plus you'll have funny stories to tell people when it is all over.  hang in there and keep the faith.,

  5. Evidently you're in a lot of stress.  I'd suggest that you and your husband take a break from everything for at least a day and go do something you love.  Go eat at an expensive restaurant, or go to a spa, and just don't worry about the money you spend (of course, don't go extremely overboard and spend thousands).  Take a few days off and just spend some time with your husband.  A few days of peace and quiet will do you some good.  During those few days, just relax and don't think about any troubles back home...after all, when the time comes, you will get a more private life since you are getting a new house.  I think that it's necessary to overcome this stress you are feeling right now to avoid an outbreak later.  And when you feel you can't handle the chaos anymore, go take a nap and just remember that in a few weeks or months everything will change.

    Hope this helps!

  6. I have never been in your situation; nor will i ever know what you are going through, but when i get stressed out and overwhelmed i love to watch a funny mood. Laughter is the best medicine and a smile really does make you feel better...hope this helps

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