
I getting a horse for the first time and what are some things i need?

by Guest61317  |  earlier

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stuff i need to-

go horseback riding

stuff to take care of it

i know i need a barn




  1. To go horseback riding:




    To take care of it:

    -Hard brush

    -Soft Brush

    -Hoof picks


    -Mane/Tail comb

    -Baby oil

    You will also need:

    -Equine Dentist to check on your horse eery 6-12 months.

    -A vet to make sure your horse is nice and healthy

    -A black smith, every 6-8 weeks your horse will have to be shoed, and their hoofs trimed.

    -A pasture or arena that you can let your horse run and play and exercise in without having a saddle on them.

    -Lead lines, Lunge line.

    Hope that helps, if I can help anyway else, just e-mail me.

  2. You will need a grooming kit, first of all:

    rubber curry comb

    body brush

    mane comb

    hoof pick

    slicking brush

    horse shampoo

    To ride:

    a bridle, with a snaffle bit


    saddle pad or blanket

    Everything else:


    lead rope

    feed bucket

    feed storage bin

    water bin for the pasture(20+ gallons)

    saddle rack, or a carpenter's horse to put it on

    fly spray

    water hose (for the pasture tub and for baths)

    Also, start shopping your area for a quality farrier, one who is nice, and knows how to handle horses well.  Most horses don't really need shoes, but a monthly trim is NOT optional!  Good luck with getting it all together, I hope you have a lot of fun!

  3. Brushes and Grooming Supplies

    Fly Spray

    Body Brush

    Face Brush

    Hoof Pick

    Curry Comb

    Mane & tail brush (hair brush)

    SWAT (fly ointment)


    Western Saddle

    Saddle Pad

    Girth Belt

    Chest Plate



    Lead Rope


    Buckets for grains and ect.

    Feeder (you dont want them to eat off the ground)

    Salt Block (minerails)

    Large 30+ gallon for water bucket.


    Wheel barrel

    Pallet (keep hay bales off the ground)

    That's a good start.

  4. Bridle, saddle blanket, saddle, food, shovel, brush, and shoes,(no nikes)

  5. Hire a farrier

    Hire a vet

    Buy hay

    Buy horse feed as a supplement

    Horse Dewormer

    Grooming tools(brush,face brush,curry comb,sweat scraper,)


    Wheel barrow and shovel to clean up manure

    Stall and/or pasture

    fly Mask

    Fly sheet

  6. Some things you will need for your horse is: brushes, hoof pick, saddle, saddle blanket, bridle set, lead rope, halter, truck and trailer, a good pasture with shelter, water, horse feed, a supplement, and make sure you worm th e horse every three months or so. Also, make sure he has a good vet. :-) good luck! It is always exciting to have your own horse!!!  

  7. Here are some things you will need to get started:

    ground feeder

    water buckets (for the stall)

    water trough (for in the field)

    feed scoop

    feed container (we use a non-working chest freezer to keep feed in)

    saddle with girth and stirrups

    saddle pad

    bridle with reins and bit

    halter (have an extra on hand in case one breaks)

    lead rope (have an extra on hand in case)

    short ties

    hard bristled brush

    soft bristled brush

    rubber curry

    metal curry

    mane and tail brush...the combs don't work as well

    face brush

    hoof pick

    groom box

    mane and tail shampoo and conditioner

    large sponge or wash mitt

    plastic curry attachment for garden hose

    sweat scraper or squeegie for removal of excess water from the coat

    first aid kit to include: stethoscope, thermometer (tie a  long string on one end in case you push it in too far), animalintex, roll cotton, duct tape, needles and syringes, penicillin (to be refrigerated), betadine, furazone, blood stop powder, hydrogen peroxide, paste electrolytes (or powder), thrush medication, hoof treatment (Happy Feet works wonderfully)....

    You should de-worm the horse when you get him unless you know he has been wormed regularly.  There's a schedule for de-worming on the internet, but I can't think of the best website for that info.

    There are other things you can get eventually, but these will get you started.  Some people buy horse sheets for the summer and blankets for the winter, but we don't really have a use for those things with our horses being hearty.

    It never hurts to have extra halter, reins, lead ropes, short ties, buckets, hoof picks and such in case something gets broken or misplaced.

    I hope this helps you get started!  Have fun with your horse!

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