
I give up too easily?

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Sometimes on my runs I give up too easily. How can I stay motivated and tough it out when it gets hard?

Thanks! =]




  1. It's hard to just BE motivated. It really sort of is just something you have to learn to do.

    You don't have to be like, "YIPPEE I'm going to go run for an hour!!!!! Yaaaay!"

    What you CAN do is get a running buddy, they are great helpers. Use an iPod and don't pay attention to anything but the song. Run in different areas so you are noticing the scenery. Set small goals and work your way up. If you feel you must stop, try slowing down to a slower jog, and if you can't do that, a brisk walk until you feel you can run again; don't just stop dead and sit down. Pick markers along the way where you will stretch, or slow down to walk for 1/4 of a mile, etc., etc.

    It's hard to stay motivated; good luck!

  2. run with a friend who you know will not stop or who you dont want to have to ruin their run by stopping./

  3. try running with music.  It gets your mind off of how tired you are.

    when your running remind yourself why you are out there.  think of your favorite running or motivation quote and say it over and over in your head.

    one that i say a lot is "when the going gets tough, the tough get going" so just suck it up and run! :)

    best wishes to you

  4. Run slower to run longer. Start running ; look down; see what you stride length is; cut that length in half. You"ll probably say to yourself, "At this pace, I can run all day."

  5. Just keep repeating to yourself "i wont give up" or "keep going" in your mind, or out loud if you feel like it. I know it sounds cheesy but if you can convince your mind you can convince your body. Also, try to visualize how great and accomplished you'll feel after you finish your run. Trust me, if you just get it in your head that you can do than you will. Also, to keep your mind off of it, try listening to your ipod while running, you'll be concentrating more on the music than how tired your getting.

    Hope i helped!!

    Good luck!

  6. listen to some music

    my fav running music is all american rejects, matchbox twenty, ac/dc, daughtry etc......... (the best is rock)

  7. You have to have willpower. Nobody can tell you how to get it, you either have it or you don't. I suppose you could hire someone to chase you with a skunk down the track, that would probably motivate you.

  8. What i do is /walk/ far away from my house, and i /run/ back. So i am forced to get home some how. Ether way you are getting exercize.

  9. i have a treadmill so  i treadmill while i watch tv. that way i forget i'm even running.

  10. When i run i just think of some different stuff and then i just forget that i'm tired or something else.

  11. when it gets hard, slow down a bit, remeber, depite what you've heard, no pain no gain is stupid. Workouts are conditioning, they arent races and arent meant to kill you.
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