
I go 10-13mph in a 20.3 inches gear is this good for that gear or not my rpm is 120?

by  |  earlier

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i am talking about a bicycle not car




  1. Over what sort of distance ? 10 miles, 20 miles, further ?

    or only really short distances, 10-13 mph is not very fast, it would have more meaning if you raised your gearing, to say 72" and pedaled at 100rpm

  2. No prob if the car you driving is sports it can be easy for your car if it is a coupe then to raise rpm like this is not good for your engine pls note the temp of car is hot or normal if it becomes hot than do that

  3. That's fine but what's the point of high rpm in a little gear? It really has no meaning.

  4. you'll go faster at lower rpm in a bigger gear. why would you want to pedal so fast and go so slow? I rarely spin out over 110 rpm, but then I'm on a downhill going 40+mph. I try to shift to keep my rpm in the mid-high 80's, it keeps my average speed between 16-18mph..

  5. The bike will be fine but can you take it?

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