
I go to Meps today and am worried about the drug test...

by  |  earlier

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I haven't smoked weed in months and never plan to again, but this weekend I was camping and everyone around me was smoking. It was mostly just sitting around a fire or for a little bit in the car with the windows down. Do I have anything to be worried about?




  1. What most people don't know is you're ALLOWED to have a certain level of it in your system.


    My buddy failed a drug test by like .01 for cocaine. the legal limit in the army is something like .31 on the reading system they use, or something to the sort of that.

    It's designed for the fact there are certain reasons that you may have it in your system, aside from using it.

    And if you're overly worried, ask your recruiter for a quick test in the office before you go. He won't actually get mad if you tell him the story. He'll be mad if you go and fail, rather than if you fail in the office and have to wait a week or two..

    But most likely, if you didn't smoke, you're safe

  2. hey if your joining the marines or army they probably will send you home for to weeks to get it out of your system and do it over again but if the air force or navy you will be screwed. because if you inhale any smoke it is in your system for like 3 days.

  3. No, drug tests are purposefully designed that it is impossible to fail because of second hand smoke. You have nothing to worry about.

  4. well..if you REALLY did not partake, you should be fine......but knowing you are going in and still hanging around dopers does not speak highly of yourself or your "friends"

  5. If you are so worried about passing you should talk to your recruiter he could give a practice drug test before you go into meps,  

  6. No. And they will give you a questionnaire with that q on there, and they will stop, and BS about how sophisticated their testing is, that they can test so far back, but they are just blowing smoke up your ***. You should be fine. Just drink alot of water and cranberry juice if your really worried about it. And make sure you don't use your first pee of the morning be the one you give for the test. Good luck serving!

  7. Don't worry, be happy.  :)

  8. If you really were concerned, you would not have sat in the car.  

    The odds of you coming up positive are very slim.  Be honest at the MEPS station, if you were smoking (which i suspect) tell your recruiter before you go.  Call your recruiter, be honest and they will either move your date back, or tell you to go.

  9. I doubt it will show up,but the being in the car part was really dumb on your part.

    My question to you is, if these are your supposed friends why are they putting you at risk for this? And why didnt you say anything to them about having respect for you?

    So yes you should worry a bit, and then again no.

  10. DRINK WATER by the gallon starting yesterday and don't stop, good luck (don't drink anything else at all!!)

  11. Yeah you have a right to be will show up!

  12. that probably wasn't the best idea in the world to put yourself in a compromising position like that, however, it wont show up.

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