
I go to a child support/ family lawyer in a few weeks and i need advice?

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my ex boyfriend has another girlfriend and IMs me sometimes and texts me ssometimes saying he hopes "it" dies. he never called baby, baby.. only refers to baby as "it" im pregnant and he is the daddy bc hes the only guy i ever had s*x with! i was with him since i was 14, became pregnant at 15 and still pregnant now at 16. jarred was 18 turning 19 in a few days. he hurt me a lot by not only getting another girlfriend but by telling me he hopes "it" dies. that really hit hard and i dont want him to have visitation, but i do want child support. how do i explain my confusing story to a lawyer?!!?! im scared he wont understand. and what should i say to him that could be helpful. please help me out with what to say, im really nervious!




  1. keep every IM, email, phone message thats threatening or childish. Bring it with you to court. And don't bother fighting with him, just be non-chalant and the judge will handle the rest. Get a lawyer and bring him to court. Good luck. my brother just had a baby and his ex is being very childish with the baby and she won in court. BUT the difference is my brother owns his own house, is very mature, and makes great money. He only gets to see the baby one day a week for a couple hours, with her there. Until the baby is older then they go back to court again. So dont stress about it because its very hard to get visitation without the mother there when the child is just a baby.

  2. tell him exactly what you're telling us. trust me. lawyers have heard it all. the more accurate information he has the better he can represent you.

  3. I guess I'd show someone else (a trustworthy person) the im's and texts when you get them.  You need someone else to back up your story.  Keep a journal or log of everything that happens or is said.  Just explain it to the lawyer as you have done here.  I hope you have an adult helping you.

  4. hi Caitlinn, i always come across your questions (maybe because i am in this section allot!) and i just wanted to tell you that i am super glad that you are keeping your baby!

    anyways, i dont think that that is a good enough reason for him not to have visitation. He can terminate his rights and will still have to pay for child support. Otherwise, you will have to prove that he damages your baby in some way (is dangerous, or vebally abusive etc.). and sinc he is a teenager, the judge will probably think that the whole "i hope it dies" thing is just a stupid teenage overreaction.

    im not an expert or anything, go ask a real lawyer to make sure. Just tell him what you told us.

    tell him: " i want my baby's dad to have his visitation rights terminated but still pay child support. The reason is that he says he doesnt want his baby, he has been rude to me and said that he wished the baby was dead, and so i fear for my baby's life if he is around."

    honestly, i think he is going to think you are overreacting.BUT if your bf really doesnt want to be a parent, he can sign away his rights! (and still pay up). But if he does want to be a parent,  i really think you should give him a chance.

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