
I go to dance classes i said mom i wanna be a dancer she said i have a 1 in a million chance and ur to small?

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is this true i 13 5 ft 6.5 stone




  1. No..You Can Be A Dancer No Matter How Small You Are..♥

  2. No you're not too small. Ur OK to be a dancer if that's what u like to do.

  3. Your mum is not encouraging you very much is she? She may think that you have no chance, but she should be encouraging you to strive for your dream. If we all gave up our dreams because someone told us we couldn't make it, where would we be?

    You go for it , you will know as you progress whether professional people in this field think you are good enough. Keep up the good work and always strive for what you want in life, even if others think you are wasting your time.

    Good luck for the future

  4. Never Give up on your dreams.

    I take dance too.

    I'm also 13.

    You're never to young to dance.

    I've been dancing since i was 5.

    And you're not too small.

    You're never too small.


    Don't give up.

    Good Luck

  5. dont matter how tall u are lol and thats shocken of your mom she shoud support u

  6. If you think and get told you are not going to be dancer, it won't happen.

    You have to work hard, and really work at it.

    Then you can have a chance.

    I'm 5 ft and I'M A DANCER!

    Please don't worry!

    My ballet  teacher once told our class that she saw a dancer on stage and she was soooooooo tall, and elegant!

    then, she met her backstage.


    So don't give up hope, just work at it!

  7. Your never to small to be a dancer. You should chase your dream no matter what anyone says. Talk to your mum and tell her youre going through with your decision no matter what and then she will realise you are serious about it and she will hopefully help you. Good luck!

  8. For sure, being small wont make you have less of a chance at being a dancer.

    keep working hard!

  9. No.

    This is dance, not gymnastics.

    Go ahead and tell your mom this: You got advice form true professionals and they said you're in perfect condition to become a dancer.

    Good luck and as I have told you before, don't lose sight of your dreams!


  10. Im the same height, and I've got two friends that are both the same height and shorter, and they are both amazing dancers and go into dance comps and shows all the time!

    If you really are commited you should go for it!

  11. You have not stopped growing yet you'll be taller by the time you reach 18/20ish. If you have the talent - you can do it, don't listen to people who want to put you down. Take the chance... :)

  12. you may still grow more- you never know!

    plus, each company looks for something different. some like smaller dances, others like tall ones. there were a lot of shorter dancers at my ballet intensive this year! you really never know. u may have to audition for lots of companys, but don't give up! if you've got the talent, a company will accept you if you're right for them, no matter your size!

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