
I go to the Yahoo Message Boards and poste. I get back a reply in red. At least one identity must be used.?

by  |  earlier

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I cannot post on the Yahoo Message Boards. When I post I get a reply in red. "At least one identity must be used". What is this? How can I fix this. I have posted for years now all of a sudden I cannot.




  1. because the world is, for the first time, is making love to you, in your bed. Now, dr. Jekyll, guess who your opponent is???

  2. I have same problem.  Used ID for 9 years and works for MyYahoo and for the Yahoo Groups I manage but not for posting messages.

    I think, once again, Yahoo messed with the message boards and screwed them up, as usual.

    I did recently install Yahoo Messenger that might have screwed up things.  How about you.  Have you recently installed any other Yahoo features?

  3. I have same problem and I don't know why.  I suspect a Yahoo! glitch and hope their tech team monitors questions like this and will offer a fix

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