
I go to this womans house for homeschool i was wondering do kids get summer off for homeschool?

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I go to this womans house for homeschool i was wondering do kids get summer off for homeschool?




  1. With homeschooling, it really depends on the needs of the student and teacher.  Some parents follow a traditional school schedule, others school year round, others unschool.

    Here's some info on homeschool schedules:

    At our home school, we school year round.  But we may do formal work 7 days a week some weeks and some weeks do no school at all.

    Talk to your "teacher" about how she wants to handle things.  Best wishes!

  2. children get the same time off as schools.

  3. it is not required as long as the full year of school is completed in the normal year, after that is is at the discretion of the parents

    I have not had my children work in the summer, but with one now in high school I will give him the choice to do one elective over the summer, maybe once or twice a week, to make the school year more focused

  4. It's the parent's desicion. My mom is going to make me but not as harsh as we are now.

  5. It depends on the individual. Homeschoolers aren't bound by the school schedule. Where we live (Florida) the Summers are icky so we homeschool through the summer since we spend a lot more time indoors in the AC... meanwhile in the fall and spring when it is beautiful out, we take more breaks and vacations. But when we lived up North where Winters were longer and icky, we did more work then and took the summers off.

    If you have a tutor that homeschools you, or whoever this woman is whose house you go to for homeschooling, why don't you ask her what her plans/schedule is?

  6. Some homeschoolers take the summer off, some homeschool year round, and others have a lighter schedule during the summer.  Just ask the lady who is helping to homeschool you, and she will let you know.

  7. when I was "traditionally" homeschooled we always stuck with the public school schedule. We got mostly the same holidays off and a standard summer vacation. When things  came up (as they always do) we were flexible to change but we kept that as our guideline.

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