
I going for my drivers lisence test in MA. Do I need an emergency hand brake in the middle of the car?

by Guest45004  |  earlier

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I went for the test last time but they said that I needed a car which has an emergency hand brake in the middle of the car in the front two seats. He said that he needed it so that if there was a need to stop the car he could use the emergency brake.




  1. he's FOS, you use the car that was brought to the test. Besides an E brake won't stop you. Thats why it's called a parking brake. Maybe your driving scarred him so bad,he needed the hand brake because he almost stompped a hole through the passeneger side floor trying to stop.

  2. It makes good sense to have an emergency brake in the center of the two seats if not somewhere for easy reach.  I don't know MA laws.  I have two cars, one being an older 1980 Jeep.  I'm in California, and here I don't believe the state can force you to change a function of the car being that it's the way it was manufactured for that year.  

    My emergency brake on my Jeep is located on the floor next to my pedals.  Not the best spot, grant you, but that's the way these Jeeps were manufactured back then.  Double check with the DMV  in your state.

    Good luck with your test!

  3. If the vehicle was manufactured with one there, yes. If not, you cannot be required to have a special car for the driving test. If you go for the test again and are told this, go back inside and request a written copy of this policy. You could also call ahead and ask about this rule (which I agree is BS)

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