
I got 3 Bs a C and a D for my AS level results i need 3 As. should i just take a gap year to make sure.?

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the grades that i got im worried are not good enough to be accepted by good univerities, i spend too much time fundraising and doing extra curricular stuff that my grades really suffered, i got the D in a subject that i did on my own ( my school does not offer it) and now i realise i should have done 4 like everyone else rather then taking too much to handle. wht do i do i feel so stressed out.. should i take a gap year because entry requirements for my course are 3 As everywhere , and i really want to go to a good university.




  1. You sound like such a cool student and any University would be glad to have you. It's a pretty amazing argument to have been doing fundraising and actually having the get up and go to do an AS exam on your own. You should be so proud of yourself for what you have achieved so far. To be honest, if you keep on with that attitude, you can have no problems with anything. However, it might be worth talking it all through with a teacher and make sure you tell them exactly all your worries and the reasons for your lower grades. I imagine most teachers will be fairly impressed with you. teachers often don't realise that their students have lives, let one of them know and they will help you!

    good luck!

  2. Gap year does not help you and it may actually hurt your chances. I would consider either resitting them or trying to apply for a good university that you would qualifyunderstandr know if you write a well-written personal statement explaining your grades it might work in your favor.

    With that said the one thing you do need to understand is how to balance your time. University will require that you master this skill more than your A-Levels. If you cannot balance your time and 'spred yourself' too thin you may your results in university are less than what you were hoping. Right now studying should be your primary concern and not other activities that compete directly with it.

  3. Retake the classes you did poorly in and that should solve your problem. Cut back on some of your activities. Best of luck to you. Have a great day!

  4. kay, dear 3Bs,a C and aD,is not a bad or poor result.from the way you sounded it seems yo need to get into the university by next september with which i hope for you.i feel you need to create the gap in orderr for you to achieve a great goal to where ever you are to.Dear take that bold step by doing so i know truly that you will make it.  

  5. if you take a gap year, you will still be left with the same scenario when you do want to apply to university? Dont stress talk to guidance councillar who can give you the best possible options you can have. Or ask the university you wish to go. If it means repeating your college year then I think it is worth it

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